
Friday, September 27, 2024

Why did the chicken cross the road?

In an effort to improve pedestrian safety, San Francisco police took an unusual approach on Monday by having Lt. Jonathan Ozol wear an inflatable chicken costume while crossing a busy intersection, SFGate reported.

The goal was to issue tickets to drivers who failed to yield to a pedestrian, as required by state law, according to the report.


  1. The cops in my town did this around Christmastime with cops dressed as Santa... Merry Christmas, PEASANT... They actually caught hell from the JUDGE. People showed up at the courthouse after getting tickets with videos showing "Santa" darting out in front of cars when there was no way in HELL the average driver, driving at the speed limit or under, could POSSIBLY stop in time. It was a choice between locking up their brakes and getting rear-ended, or driving through. It was a "revenue enhancement scheme run amok. The judge threw out most of the cases and lambasted the cops instead!

  2. I would be shocked into laughter if I saw that crossing the road


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