
Friday, September 27, 2024

Yeah, it's a major red flag when the cops deliver his flowers to his date

ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. (WKRN) — During the course of their career, police officers end up wearing many hats.

In fact, one officer in Ashland City can now add flower delivery man to the list.

The story unfolded on Monday, Sept. 16, following a traffic stop along Highway 12.


  1. And that officer got laid that night. Sorry Lamarcus, but your flowers got some one some pussy.

  2. And anyone think that was not a fishing trip? Maybe LaMarcus date was a hook er? Maybe she was a customer? We should all remember that the mayor of Ashland city spent time in lockup... during his term.
    -Just a chemist

  3. LaMarcus (bet he ain't swedish) don't seem to understand how to stay out of jail, do he?

  4. So the cop and now ex girlfriend hooked up later.
    On one of those cop cam videos on ytube I saw a cop deliver dinner to a door dash customer. Driver was drunk as a skunk.


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