
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

25 Governors Demand Answers on How Many Migrants Flown to States

Twenty-five Republican governors want to know how many illegal foreign nationals have been flown into their states by a Biden-Harris administration plan they argue is burdening their residents and creating an unsafe environment.

Those being flown in have arrived through more than a dozen parole programs created by U.S. Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The governors only inquired about one: the CHNV parole program, created to fast track previously inadmissible citizens of Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela moving into the country.


  1. Did not do a damn thing to stop it, but by god NOW we’ll have some hearings and “special” committees and all kinds of other useless bullshit that just wastes more of our stolen tax debtbucks.
    What a sick fucking joke.

    TMF Bert

    1. If there was a way to give a thumbs up here I'd give you a thousand.

    2. Amen. It's a kabuki sideshow in the 2024 election theater. How many of these states assisted TX and FL with shipments to sanctuary cities.

  2. I don't know if the politicians knew about it. I really don't think the Federal government called your local mayors or even the Governor of your Red State and said "Hey, we're shipping 800 migrants to your city. Have fun."

    1. Paallleeaasse. That's all I got to say about that.

    2. In the beginning I would absolutely agree with your sentiment, about 60 days past that though is where that agreement dies of old age. All I can recall is that bit of bussing them around the country, which seems the normal policy of the politicians to just kick that can on down the road.

      TMF Bert

  3. Unless they are willing to go to war with this administration or refuse to send fed taxes, I don't believe they care...

    1. State governments don't send money to the feds. If you mean individuals, unless you stop paying taxes to the feds, then you don't care, either. But unless you can get millions upon millions of people to do the same all at once, then all you are is the tall flower begging to be cut down (à la Mao). And so you will be.

  4. The People’s Mandate. Mr. Trump on day one you will begin to Deport the illegals by the millions. Instantly Stop the payments for all their free shit. Then give the White Heritage American leverage to assist these invaders to assume room temperature, any that get out of line prior to deportation. No family members, no kiddies, none, all you illegals gone, and I don’t care where you go, but you’re not staying in America.

    1. Last summer a doublewide up the road from me hit the RE market. There was nothing special about it, came with two acres and a shed. The wanted well over $160,000. I just laughed and shook my head thinking no way. Who could afford that. It sold within days if not that very day. There was at least another 10 grand of improvements put into it. Mexicans can afford it that's who.

    2. Mexican cockroaches can't afford that, the pest known as the federal government can afford that. Just because it's full of cockroaches doesn't mean they bought it.

    3. Either that or an NGO.

  5. Oh and let’s not forget all the employees of the NGOs, religious groups, agencies, that facilitated this invasion. To the gallows you go, do not collect $200, but go directly to the gallows.

  6. When/If….they cut off or run out of the free shit….
    that the illegals are getting….shit is going to hit the fan.

    1. Decisions, decisions. Buckshot? Slugs? 5.56? 30-30? 308?

  7. "Demand"??
    You can demand in one hand and shit in the other; I'll tell you which one fills up faster.
    And even if you CAN pry the information out of the Federales, rest assured you won't see it until after the election.

  8. I agree with some here that “letters” don’t do much. These governors hold a HUGE power that I have yet to have become popular idea.

    Think back 160 years ago. It’ll come to you

  9. They just have to raid and arrest all the NGO's that are getting paid. Charge them with trafficking and confiscate all records as evidence, freeze the accounts. Once that happens it will stop quickly.

  10. Kamala's reply: States asking the Feds for answers to anything is a threat to democracy

  11. Oh boy, more kabuki theater. Better demand the congress hold some hearings!
    - WDS


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