
Thursday, October 10, 2024

A message from Big Country

Just now got this at 0530.

Minimal Damage(s) personally 

It got a wee bit hairy at 0130 when the surge came 5 feet up the driveway....   THAT TBH was scary AF seeing a lake where my street was.   20+ years here and NEVER had anything like that before 

TONS of branches down and trees stripped bare.  

No generator set up yet.  Waiting until daylight, unlike the neighbors who busted them out as soon as the storm went past... Those folks have NOT set up security on them either.

Power I think is going to be down a looong minute.

Already made contact w/the former DotMil neighbors who, like me were doing BDA at 0530 (battle damage assessment).  

Having a backup cell phone if only for power is a REALLY good idea, as the lil chineseum back up powerpack I -had- (of course) took a shit and was/is inop.  

This also meant the lil LED USB lights were/are worthless as no place to plug the USB gizmo into 

Kenny if you could let the folks know I'd appreciate it.  It's gonna be a minute B4 I poast as far as I know 

An interesting experience so far.

Drinking water -might- become an issue per the radio.   Which also:  get a small AM/FM/SW1-2 Radio w/a hand crank.  

Never realized just how quiet this place is without the civilizational noises around....

More Later