
Thursday, October 31, 2024

A Trump Agenda for Day One

Aspecter haunts a second Trump administration, and it has a name: Boris Johnson.

As everyone knows, Johnson and his party won a historic landslide in 2019—the Tories’ largest in 70 years—and then squandered their mandate so badly that they were wiped out in the recent election, leaving them with the fewest seats in their long history. While Johnson did finally come through on his Brexit promise, he sold out to the conventional (meaning leftist) positions of the British establishment on everything from climate change, immigration, and the National Health Service to housing, education, and on and on.

Donald Trump is highly unlikely to sell out like Boris Johnson, but there are two hazards in the way. First, Congress, the courts, and the bureaucracy will throw up countless roadblocks, not to mention subterfuges likely more outrageous than the Russia Hoax of 2016. This is to be expected, and Dan McCarthy lays out a strong grand strategy to overcome this predictable opposition.


  1. Day one he should start cleaning up federal elections so that JD will have a chance in ‘28. If the RNC get both houses they can maybe ram through voter ID and harsh federal prison time for those who interfere with citizens’ constitutional right to vote.

    1. The problem with this is that the Republicans are just as corrupt as the democrats.
      Where do you think the term 'uni-party' came from?

  2. There are two many Day Ones to deal with. Just fire the entire fed payroll above G3. That should do it.

    1. ^^^^ This, especially the WH Staff, you know the "continuity of government folks" that effd him last time. Every one of them down to the lowliest typist needs to go, especially people that fit the description of the notorious Vindman brothers.

      Here's a list of 564 people to start with:

      WTH you need 564 people on the WH staff for is beyond me. All I can think of is layers upon layers of spies committing treason on a daily basis. I'm not talking about foreign gov spies, although there may some of those too. I'm talking about spies for the likes of the NY Times, WAPO, the three letter network TV org's that get fed and spew nothing but propaganda on a daily basis disguised as "news".

      I'd be willing to bet that the job of 500 of them is getting coffee for someone of the 64 that are left and I'm not sure more than 10 of those actually earn a paycheck on a daily basis by doing what would be considered real work in the private sector.

      I'd call that a good start before breakfast. Then he can start on the bloated beyond all recognition and function; Dee Ohh Jay, Eff Bee Eye, Bee Aaa Tee Eff, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Treasury, Eye Arr Ess, HHS and ALL of HHS's subsidiaries where the current employees worked at companies that they regulate.

      By the end of Day 1, the Federal .gov should be about 10% of its former size and nothing would be missed going forward.

      I'd also issue an EO outlawing ALL public sector unions across the country. The Demonrats will scream bloody murder, but only because their funding is now cut off.


    2. I don't think he could outlaw the unions, but they should have to negotiate with a panel that has a mix of representatives and only a few in the GOV, school, etc. This negotiating with the people who you help hire is such an obvious case of conflict of interest.

  3. Yet another saying what Trump should/must do. These guys crawling out of the woodwork.

  4. I’m Bobo the Hobo and I approve this message.

  5. Trump's biggest hinderance will the republican speakers of the house and senate. johnson is worthless. He will spend his time giving the democrats what they want. Mcconnell is giving up speaker but some lackey of his probably be his replacement. So you have another that hates this country.

  6. On day one the Biden people undid all the President Trump's EOs, they didn't waste any time, that's what has to happen after Mr Trump wins.
    The day he takes the oath is the day they need to start with cleaning the house and they need to be ready to start right then.... they could start with the Executive Orders, those could be ready to sign ahead of time.

    1. Spot on, Rob. Biden for damned sure had the ones he signed locked and loaded before he was sworn in. Turn about is fair play. Fuck 'em.

  7. Eliminate all dual passport holders from any governmental position.


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