
Monday, October 28, 2024

After the Steal

The 2024 election is a cover up. It’s a cover up of the Barack Obama mystery identities, both his and Michelle’s. He’s a Kenyan president and if Kamala is somehow elected it will be the second president whose eligibility was never verified. It’s a cover up of the treason of elected officials, all of them, because they continue to play this ridiculous game where the opposition, even when in full power, are unable to secure the rights of the people. It’s somehow impolitic to do so.


  1. Unable to secure or unwilling?

  2. Nothing will happen to the O'Bongos and cohorts because the omnipotent Deep State is all in on the scam. You may believe the “good guys” are going to come out on top, but in reality, they are the “smart guys”. They have the power to destroy, up to and including kill anyone (like Epstein and other Arkancide victims) who had or has the nerve to try and expose the Deep State's plan to totally dominate the country forever. BTW, it's happening in other countries as well. Eventually we're all gonna be happy denizens in a global zoo eating the scraps they toss to us over the fence.

  3. A very sobering View of what’s to come of We the People’s Republic. I’m prepared as much as can be, alas the South is flooded with illegal aliens and yankees who only desire to change our small town after moving here from the shit whole city’s they fled. It’s going to be bad because half the people you talk to are oblivious to what’s happening. I dread what’s to come, I’ve been blessed with a great life from the greatest Republic ever. The politicians on both sides out and out flaunt their graft and corruption in our faces with no fear. That means the fix is already in. Now how bad do We want this Nation, cause we damn sure have no where else to go!


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