
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Appendix Carry | Is It Right for You?

Appendix carry, where the firearm is positioned at the front of your body (typically between the 12 o’clock and 2 o’clock position), has sparked debates among concealed carriers.

While some swear by its speed and efficiency, others are concerned about comfort and safety.

To help clarify whether appendix carry is right for you, I spoke with Scott Jedlinski of the Modern Samurai Project, a firearms instructor renowned for his teachings on the subject.


No thanks. The article touches very briefly on comfort, but to me that's one of two reasons I won't carry like that. At 5' 10" and 175 pounds, I don't have much of a belly, but I'm still getting jabbed and poked. 
The other reason is printing. I usually wear a loose fitting work shirt or T-shirt. With a work shirt, I can carry on my side and walk into a fucking cop shop without raising an eyebrow, yet with appendix carry I can look straight down and see a protrusion. A T-shirt? Forget about it. It's even worse.
Then there's that dick, balls and femoral artery thing.....


  1. I prefer a side carry. I don't tuck tee shirts in so I buy them a size to big and let it hang. My wife knows I am always carrying and says she would not know it otherwise. Sometimes in the shop I practice drawing it. Not quick draw stuff. One for practice and two because I forget I have it. Yet let an armidillo run in front of me on the land and it is in my hand. So, guess I'm good to go.

    1. slow is smooth, smooth is fast. and hits are the only thing that matters.
      summer time, OWB in leather under a shirt. winter is a shoulder holster under my jacket. and as always, draw and point. one thing I have done for years now is face the corner of the room. draw while keeping the weapon pointed at the corner.
      bring it up in a straight line to eye level.
      back a long time ago, I used a Walther PPK in 380 at the small of my back.
      the guy who showed how to do that carried one in 22lr. yup. and he was able to hit
      anything with it too. as he was fond of saying I teaching your muscles to react.
      you have to be able to draw and fire without thinking about it

  2. I've never been a fan of appendix either. Much prefer strong side carry - OWB. which for me is 9 o'clock. I shoot lefty.

    1. Yeah, I carry outside the waistband too. IWB is just too damned uncomfortable for me.

  3. I was a town justice for ten years always carried inside left ankle, easy to reach sitting down.


  4. My preferred carry is my leather owb carried at 4 - 5 o'clock... I do have a iwb kydex that works well but seldom use it...

    1. I refuse to use Kydex if I can find a leather holster for my gun.

    2. I'm not a fan either but like most everyone that carries I have a few in the drawer that occasionally see a little action

  5. Sig P-938 or Glock 19 in strong side "pancake style" OWB holster for me for EDC. I try to cover it but we're an open carry state so if somebody sees it, F em. I do carry my .357 mag in a horizontal shoulder holster under my left arm when I'm running around in the woods.
    Seems to me like IWB appendix carry violates the rule about keeping it pointed in a safe direction.

    1. I tried to discuss that very topic with some gun people online, years ago. One would have thought that I had 3 eyes, the way they seemed to look at me, virtually of course. I asked about the 4 gun rules of safe gun handling, and was told that I didn't know what I didn't know.
      It seems to be that those who are proponents of AIWB carry just dismiss the rules for that one instance. But to me, that instance is the most important one, due to where you must point that gun. Granted safe and cautious handling can minimize most issues but they do not completely eliminate the fact that you are pointing your gun at places best left unmuzzled.
      The very same people often will tell you that small of back carry is bad because you might fall on the gun in a fight, harming your spine. But they never bat an eye about any injury you could incur if you fall onto your front side.
      I have 2 methods of carry that I use exclusively. Strong side OWB, and strong side IWB. Both of them are maintained at around the 3:30 point of my body. And it was not until I lost around 50 pounds that the IWB finally started to become comfortable. I use leather for OWB and Kydex for IWB.

  6. What is the position called where the item is mounted to the belt on the offhand front, with the barrel pointed down and out, so that standing or sitting a discharge never goes through one's own body? Crossdraw? Can also be grabbed by the offhand, clumsily...but still grabbed. Asking from Teutonia, ve haff no gunz.


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