
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Can Latinos Stomach Harris?

Anyone's game: Right now, the race looks extremely close. Kamala Harris has changed course a bit in the last two weeks, choosing to get herself out there a bit more, but via aggressively normie formats instead of traditional media spots: The View, The Howard Stern Show, the absolutely terrible millennial/Gen Z podcast Call Her Daddy, and possibly the worst of all: sharing a Miller High Life with Stephen Colbert. Harris has a narrow lead in Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia; Trump is leading in Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Pew finds that Harris is the favorite of 48 percent of registered voters, while Trump has won over 47 percent. The New York Times notes that her fundraising haul has far outpaced his.

None of this is to say that Harris is a good candidate or that I want to spend a single minute of my short time on God's green Earth listening to mid-L.A. millennials yas kweening Harris on abortion rights; it's just to say that she's performing decently well in this last stretch. But she has one major liability: her inability to win over Latino voters.


  1. When she was talking to the latino crowd on Univision she faked an accent that sounded like Mrs.Cheech Marin.
    The obviously phony bitch Hitlery was more authentic.

    1. HAH! A Black-Jamacian, Dot-Head Bimbo with a fake Beaner accent. After she loses the election with that resume' she'll be a shoe-in for a slot on SNL.

  2. I would consider being a retarded commie whore a major liability.

    1. I agree but then we can voice a logical concept

  3. The only group that should vote for democrat is the govt worker. Every one else will be disserviced by the democrats. All the govt handouts will be dilluted by the 10 million illegals that came for this admin and the next 10 million that come for the next admin. That applies to medicaid, welfare, social security, medicare. For the non-govt worker the democrat policies are killing jobs. I think any animal farming will be on the chopping block because of the climate cult. EVs will still be pushed to make cars useless. Take the bus. Military as well as all other agencies because of dei. I say the govt worker would vote for kamala to keep their job. City crime will be way out of hand with the democrats.

  4. I don't see why Latinos should be able to stomach her any more than anyone else.

  5. "Goodnight, lil' Roseanne Roseannadanna."

    Gilda Radner's accent was more convincing.

  6. Yeah, I think that at this point the only people who are actually going to vote for her are the 5% that are completely delusional, the 5% that still never listen to anything outside mainstream media, the 60% that are dead, the 80% that are illegals, and the 75% that never existed in the first place.

    There's no question that Trump will win the vote. The question is "how hard will the democrats have to cheat to get Kommie in there anyway, how blatant will it be, how many people will get caught, and how quickly will the corrupt lying dishonorable judges throw the cases out so she can get installed?"

    This is IMHO the plan - they need to be super blatant about it so they can finally incite the right to riot. They're really looking forward to it, and have been for years. So much so that they have to put on Trump hats and wave Nazi flags, etc.

    When we all know it's going to be a guerilla war, because rioting in the streets for the cameras doesn't do any good. If it comes to war, it'll be a "assassinate the corrupt officials and burn the pre-printed ballots and rigged voting machines" type war, not a "riot in the streets" type thing. Rioting in the streets? That's the communists ball game, and always has been.

    John G

  7. The real question is "How many Latinos has she stomached?".


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