
Friday, October 04, 2024

Christine's Kitchen

 There's a diner here in town that has one of these deals, exact same words and everything. If it wasn't for the wall being different, I'd swear it was Christine's. Hell, maybe it was, before a remodel. I asked the owner if anybody took advantage of it and she said, "Yes, unfortunately. Mostly older folks." Now anytime we eat there, I buy an extra meal.


  1. Awesome Ken! You are a Great American!

  2. Good, good stuff. I wish I knew a diner that did that. I'd buy an extra meal too.

  3. I seldom eat out, and I don't think we have been there. I will make a point of visiting there and buying an extra meal. That is what I love about this community, there are lots of folks doing what they can to help others.

    1. Their catfish is pretty good. Other than breakfast, that's all I've had there.

  4. That must be an area with a low population of "the usual suspects".

  5. That is very generous AND smart way to insure that a monetary donation goes to sustenance, rather than alcohol or drugs. Let those people who indulge in those demons do it on their dime, not mine.

  6. And not a single .GovOrk in the chain, and no melanistic eligibility. Mind you, I bet the donors and facilitators are sadly pale, and expect nothing in return.

    1. Probably the recipients too seeing as there's less than 50 black folks in the county and they work just as hard as the white folks here. Lazy farmers don't survive, no matter what color they are.

  7. Not Denver, SMDH.

  8. I loved hearing stories about where you live. I don't live too far away just outside of Knoxville. I used to hunt in your neck of the woods until we lost our lease. Great area.

  9. Great people doing great things

  10. This is what we need more of in society. This is sane and good. Stories like this does the heart and soul good!

  11. Yep, we've got a burger joint here that does the same thing, and I'm like you, I buy an extra to put on the wall.

  12. As long as the usual suspects don't abuse it, this is a great idea. Give some help to those who need it.


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