
Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Commentary: Contaminating Children’s Minds and Ruining Their Future

In parts one and two of this series, we’ve examined how Democrats and their poisoned ideology have declared war on America’s children. If anyone has any doubt as to the intention of the Progressive left to poison the minds of children and ruin their future, look no further than America’s teachers’ unions, especially Randi Weingarten’s American Federation of Teachers.

Historically working in tandem with the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions are intense advocates for curriculum that does not include basic knowledge to get ahead in life. Rather than actual education, its agenda includes social justice propaganda, racial division, climate change dogma, and promotion of sexual deviancy.


  1. There's a reason "homeschool or die" is a meme among gen-x, millennial, and Gen-Z parents. (And I just turned to dust upon acknowledging that there are "Gen-Z" parents. They're old enough for that now?!)
    Public schools are demonic, and private schools aren't often much better. "Public school" has been a stupid, evil idea since the beginning.


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