
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Commentary: Reading Between the Lines of The Mark Halperin Interview by Tucker Carlson

Recently Tucker Carlson made news yet again with one of his expert interviews.  Since leaving the sinking Fox News ship, Carlson has shown a real knack for doing the exact right interview at the exact right moment to convey the deeper and more telling story of the current political and cultural meltdown in which we all live.

During his two-hour conversation with liberal journalist Mark Halperin, Carlson elicited the comment that the election of Donald Trump would result in the biggest, most dangerous mental health crisis ever witnessed.


  1. FWIW: I work for a fortune 500 company that is preparing for "Election Readiness" and has contingencies in place for "violence" and "protests" and would like us to know we can "leverage the company's Employee Assistance Program" if needed (read mental health support). Clearly the powers that be expect much fuckery to be afoot.

  2. The mental health problems in our country is primarily caused by the neverending mantra of it's not your fault. The whole mental health industry is geared to relieve you of your responsibilities by medicating you into a fake euphoria. Nobody is responsible for their actions so there are way too many lunatics in our country and the sooner they are dealt with the better..... Cut off the supply and make them go cold turkey.. The ones that are too wacked out get sent to an island and can just kill each other off. Problem solved

  3. When the democrats want the republicans to work with them, that is code for we dont care what the republicans want. Do only what the democrats want. I was going to do 6 hours of driving through 3 cities soon after the election. I am moving that up to before the election because of the violent group that democrats are. I figure there will be considerable more violence for two reasons. 1. The democrats pull off the steal and this is a sign to criminals they get to do what the want. 2. Trump wins and the democrat leaders have been telling them to riot.

    1. Ol' Remus' advice still holds true: don't be there

  4. Let them go crazy. Let them riot too. I see a major Rittenhouse Effect ensuing if they do. Just saying.

  5. When Trump wins, they will riot and burn and murder, but only in Democrat cities. Democrat mayors and governors will not arrest rioters, just like in 2020, and order their police to stand down. On Jan. 21, when Trump pardons and releases all the J6 prisoners held in Garland's gulag, they will all go absolutely nucking futs.

    1. Any form of public transportation, airlines, buses, trains, present venues for captive audience in somewhat of a confined space.
      Watch the loonies go forth. Should be interesting.

    2. I believe they'll riot either way. 1 - because Trump wins. 2 - because a Harris win will let them get away with it

  6. Unknown territory for living Americans. Since 2016 election cycle we've witnessed the violence get more intense with .gov officials pandering and allowing it to occur. Self defense is no longer a valid response in a justice system infected with marxist rot. It's a mighty big gorilla in the room and the cage door is about to swing wide open in less than two weeks. And that D.O.D. directive of late September 2024 telegraphs intent should the serfs decide they've had enough. Be careful, vigilant and prepared folks.

  7. Most of the reporting on post-election violence cites the conservatives as the biggest threat, to no one's surprise, when in fact it will be the left as usual.
    Unless the left does something obvious with the election or something stupid to keep Trump from assuming office, the right will not start the fight.

  8. When Trump wins, the first Leftist move will be from FBI and CIA operatives, and they will be violent moves. It is therefore essential, to permanently deal with them first, because once they are publicly removed, the rest of the Left-wing nut jobs will understand their protection from THEIR planned acts of violence will also be treated accordingly....... and they will whimper back to the closet.
    We MUST plan and do the same to them, as they have been planning to do with us. Being the bigger person will not ever work with these demons.


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