
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Commentary: The Role of Federalism in Trump’s Second Term

The presidential election is in its final stretch and the race is neck-and-neck, according to the polls. The outcome will have a profound impact at all levels of government and business, so preparing for a second Trump term would be prudent.

In office and on the campaign trail, former President Trump has championed federalism and granting the states greater latitude to implement policies and programs. He has voiced a commitment to reducing the footprint of federal regulations. As president, he implemented executive orders and other actions that sought to ease regulatory costs and effects. The Trump Administration also galvanized deregulatory efforts at the state and local level through the Governors’ Initiative on Regulatory Innovation. A similar effort can be expected in a second term.


  1. Truthfully I believe nothing short of a full blown separation and implementation of absolute states rights to self govern should be considered at this point.

    1. The problem with states rights is too many states run by libtard fuckups-but governance by central authority is always worse.

    2. True but those fuck ups would have to live with their decisions whereas the rest of us could just laugh at them without having to pay for them

  2. I hope he launches a ton of pink slips on day one (a la Javier Milei).
    Then maybe I'll start to believe someone is finally reining in the government.

  3. I think 1st priorities should be alphabet agencies, defense, and state departments. Revoke security clearances of all these commie fucks that have retired or no longer work directly for

    I believe he should order EVERY department to immediately cut 10% of employees and 25% of budget.

    Issue an executive order halting all fed payments to NGO's and halt all grants.

    Halt payments to foreign countries for anything other than national security reasons. This means no funding LGBTQXYZ ++ -- ^^ or any other social programs. 

    Shut down all labs out of country.

    Begin investigations for misappropriation of funds from every department. Arrest and prosecute those that are guilty.

    Arrest all that have refused to show up for congressional subpoenas. Send them to jail like they did Roger Stone and Steve Bannon among others.
    He should also force Congress to come up with an actual budget and veto any continuing resolutions.

    It's time to make the communist traitor fucks drink their own medicine.

    And so much more but focus should be on the most egregious first...

    1. Anon @ 11:35, seems like you are not really taking into consideration how bad things are. You have the right idea but are just niggling around the edges. A 10% cut in .gov won't set the clock back 5 years. Entire departments need to be shut down and property sold in the first year. Draconian cuts like Elon did to X where he cut 90% of staff and the company still runs fine are not only necessary but literally are our only long term hope.

  4. Trump isn't going to balance shit and may 6 people will get deported. Either way, hope he can ding the shit out if wokeism, correct manufacturing and energy policy, and push to eliminate electronic voting or at least make it as secure as banking.

  5. Start with the "51 retired (non)intelligence" fuckers. Lying to advance a coup, or whatever the fuck else, is treason. Put them up against the wall, take care of business. Get the word out that is the course of action for everyone who doesn't step forward and come clean.
    We have a lot of loud and messy work to do.

  6. He isn't gonna win. Early voting is heavy R, so The Cheat Machine will be gearing up to counter the 65/35 vote.


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