
Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Commentary: The Way to Stop School Shootings

The epidemic of school shootings in America could be drastically curtailed by a few simple policy changes.

First, school shooters should automatically receive the death penalty with only limited opportunities to appeal. The problem of frivolous appeals and court cases dragging on for decades afflicts our entire judicial system, but it is especially egregious in the case of school shootings.

There are often hundreds of witnesses and the shooter, when captured alive, is generally caught in the act while in possession of a firearm, with their acts caught on camera. The evidence is overwhelming in these cases. There is no reason for extensive appeals over irrelevant aspects of the law.


  1. Hang, draw, and quarter in public the next day.

  2. And make their only legacy one of shame and ridicule. They are usually easy targets for that so spread it wide and far. Ridicule the crap out of them (posthumously of course) so any others thinking of similar acts know they will not be martyred but heaped with scorn and shame. Oh, and cremate them and spread their ashes on landfill with the rest of the garbage.

  3. Absolutely right and not a chance this will be done. There really ought to be two categories for those accused of murder. The first, this one, is the case where the killer was caught in the act with zero chance of error about who or what. That should apply not only to school shooters but any killer where guilt is unimpeachable and the act was intentional. That group, regardless of age, purported mental status, or other 'mitigating' factors, should be given a fast trial and when found guilty allowed one, immediate -next day- judicial review followed by immediate execution. Same day. Done and gone. Not more than a month or so from start to finish. I do endorse the idea of public flogging or other disincentives, and hanging as a mandated method of execution. Fear of consequences is a valid way to stop these.

    The other category is the one we use now for everything. Careful trial, recognition of levels of guilt, etc. Any question that the perpetrator might be impaired, that there is any doubt, then by all means use the current approach. But for the flagrantly, obviously guilty intentional killers, fast and final.

  4. They will never stop. Too useful as a tool to disarm the gen pop and abolish the 2nd. Sad times.

  5. The death penalty is too cruel. Just remove all Police from the area, declare all laws void and send the bastard into the community. Whatever happens, happens. If he is alive after 72 hours he is free to go. Bonus points if his torture is broadcast live.

  6. If you’re on SSRI’s….
    you need monthly evaluations or….
    mandatory admission into mental health hospitals….

    Locking up the mentally ill….
    might prevent many of these shootings.

  7. How about create a time machine that would take us back to the mid-1950s when I was in High School kids were normal and this current crap didn't happen.

  8. Get rid of the public school system in the first place. It's just a huge brainwashing machine that treats everyone the same. Set up a school system that develops students according to their abilities rather than forcing them through the cookie cutter. People with no abilities or potential get to go dig ditches or be baristas or whatever. There is no point in wasting "education" on about half of the population.

  9. Extend the fealty penalty to the FBI/CIA handler’s as well. Far too often we see that these kids “were on the radar”.

  10. That was supposed to be death penalty… dang autocorrect


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