
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Cue Journey's City By The Bay

When San Francisco was ranked as the second-most rat-infested city in America in 2024, it came as no surprise to Rich Neumann. 

Neumann, who is the founder and CEO of a video tech company, has been dealing with the scourge for years. It has become so bad recently that cars are being gnawed into and businesses have been forced to shutter.

More than 40,000 homes in the city had signs of rats in 2022, and on Neumann's street alone, the damage to cars has cost more than $15,000.


  1. Ive been to SF maybe a dozen times. In the 90s it was iffy but the last time it was horrendous; like a concentration camp with people free to leave. I have no idea why anyone stays.

  2. Sounds like a perfect setup for the plague. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people. Eod1sg Ret

  3. I had rats in my house attic. They would take the bird seed from the feeder I had in the backyard and eat it in the attic. They chewed through my pvc vent stack in the attic for the plumbing. I no longer put bird seed in the yard.

  4. Wal*Mart sells tubs of BACON grease in the cooking oil section.
    Wearing disposable gloves, we smear a dab on the trigger of mice and rat traps.
    Usually, a tripped trap has the bare skeleton of the deceased vermin.
    Its former siblings dined well.
    An aside:
    The ingredients are shockingly horrid.
    Apparently, the glop is only intended as a lure; nobody in their right mind would allow human skin contact.

  5. Maybe they'll eat the mountains of human shit littering the sidewalks...

  6. Considering the vermin they send to D C it's hard to feel sorry for them.


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