
Monday, October 21, 2024

Fact Check: Is the Military Overreaching? The Truth Behind DoD Directive 5240.01's Expanded 'Lethal' Authority

On September 27, 2024, the Department of Defense (DoD) released an updated version of DoD Directive 5240.01, which governs the involvement of military intelligence in domestic law enforcement. This update introduces significant changes to the previous framework, most notably by expanding the conditions under which military intelligence can assist civilian law enforcement and authorizing the use of lethal force in certain emergency situations.


  1. "The potential for abuse of these expanded powers is real..."

    POTENTIAL MY ASS! IT'S GUARANTEED! If our government (aka Democrat Party) has shown us anything, it's that they are corrupt and willing to turn the federal police powers against its citizens for pretty much anything. The founders told us not to trust government yet millions of lemmings are out there voting for more government as we speak.

  2. If you're surrounded by dry tinder and oily rags and someone who is mentally unstable is walking near with a pack of matches should be a cause for concern.

  3. 2nd Amendment is in case the 1st fails.

  4. This is the democrats getting ready for martial law. Note that prior authorization is not necessary. As far as the commiecrats are concerned, climate change is an immediate threat. And nobody can guess what the WHO will say is a threat and pass that on to the military. What I dont get is we have not heard from the missing president on this since he is commander in chief.

  5. It is like the DOD is trying to create a fourth branch of the govt. The military.

    1. ...better make that a fifth branch of govt. The intelligence agencies are already
      a superseding fourth branch. They the boss of everybody.

    2. 01:39,
      Americans have *TWO* branches of government:
      * bureaucrats, including military and LawEnforcementOfficials,
      * armed Citizens.

  6. While this is concerning, the 'reason' the cowardly fucks in fedgovco want shit like this is primarily two fold...
    1) they know without a doubt that at minimum, 50% of the folks in this country hate them - because they hate us and want us dead
    2) knowing that "they" want us dead, many of us are willing to make "them" dead to save ourselves and our families- this would be natural progression for hunters, veterans, et al.
    I suppose some may not be aware, but "they" are getting ready for the fight that is unavoidable at this time in history. We had best not be behind them in this knowledge and readiness.
    There is going to be a fight, friends. Let's win.

  7. "Posse Comitatus we don't need no stinking Posse Comitatus.",,,Wonder if they consulted any State Governer's prior to issuing this BS.

  8. The feds are setting American citizens up for another civil war...citizens against illegal aliens and the fed.

  9. This is why we must take control of our States. Only a State can stand up to the feds with our help. This is exactly why our founding fathers wanted a limited standing army and only State Militias to guard the nation along with a fully funded Navy.

  10. Coming Nov 6 to a big city near you


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