
Wednesday, October 09, 2024

"I didn't get to go to IHOP"

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Imagine this: you're woken up by loud knocking at your door, and as you open your door with a gun, you realize it's not robbers but deputies who have surrounded your home. 

An east Harris County man says it happened to him, and he was hauled off to jail because of it.


  1. There's no Qualified Immunity for civil rights violations. He needs to get a lawyer that's successful with these types cases. There are TONS of successful judgements against departments and individual orks, they fuck up on the regular.

  2. This is why you don't open the door. Never breach your perimeter.

  3. What the fuck. They send out enough deputies to surround a man's house on a disturbance call?
    And charge him with agravated assault against a public servant? If they hadn't been hiding he would have seen they were cops and not gone out with a gun.
    He shouldn't have gone back outside.

  4. Aggravated assault of a PS? If you look at the fucking orks now they can charge you with that. Assault a nurse, knock her teeth in and nothing happens, but these pussy ass motherfuckers?

  5. He’s fortunate that he’s still with us. Lotsa dogs aren’t.

  6. Why did he go outside? Probably not thinking straight. Police are cunts, and not there to help if it's a real situation. I've gone outside with a thumper stick when I've heard a sound at night. It happens. But he broke the golden rule.

    Rule #1: Never be taken prisoner.

  7. Harris Co. is a shipping port with lousy weather and occasional hurricanes and a corrupt county government, nobody should be living there unless they're in the oil/gas industry or port operations.

    1. And the home of largest medical center in the United States (due to the Oil and Gas money)

  8. Squirrel gun. I have one of those. Single shot remington 514. I can shoot the dots off a rolling set of dice with it. Used to hunt Virginia grey squirrels with it 55 years ago. Few things as deadly as a Country boy with a single shot .22.

    1. Indeed. Got a 1943 Targetmaster which is still a delight to shoot.

  9. The Process Is The Punishment. It's that way on purpose. And the criminals in power intend to keep it that way.

  10. Every cop on that detail should face exactly the same charges I would face if I staged a home invasion. The judgement should be paid out of the cops pension fund and existing and future pensioners should feel the reduction immediately.


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