
Thursday, October 10, 2024

"I know them, that whole family's trash"

A driver in Tennessee is suing the state and two state troopers for $1 million after he says he was wrongfully arrested and detained for DUI despite being completely sober.


“Upon learning of the Plaintiff’s identity, Officer Yates-Matoy stated that he knew the Plaintiff’s brother and he ‘guaranteed’ Plaintiff had weed in his vehicle and that Plaintiff had probably smoked weed the morning of the incident in question,” the complaint said.


  1. When you want to back the blue, but then you read a story like this.

    1. Fuck the pigs.
      I used to support them, quite a bit in fact. Then I read 10 million articles about stories just like this, how the force knew the cop was a shitbag, they got bounced from several other departments, for being a shitbag, and they STILL covered up for him. And if you ask, its always 'you wouldn't understand'... you're right, I don't understand how someone who SWORE AN OATH TO PROTECT AND SERVE, can turn a blind eye when its some stranger they happen to work with.
      Nah, fuck the pigs, they did this to themselves.

    2. "SWORE AN OATH TO PROTECT AND SERVE" is BS to get the public to think they care like as in the TV show CHIPS. it really means to the state, their paychecks and pensions. Their job is to bust you, not be your pal, we are all potential criminals in their eyes.

  2. Kop phuques. Hiring practices these days, screen FOR narcissistic, power hungry, wanna-be SS.

  3. While I would be tthat most cops in the force aren't like this, the good ones don't chase the bad ones out.

    If I wipe one M&M on my ass and out it back in the jar, are you gonna eat any?

  4. Anyone ever try to perform a field sobriety test when you're sober? I've never been able to get the "stretch out your arms, tilt your head back and touch the end of your nose with your index finger" right. My finger always ends up on my upper lip under my nose.


  5. This is what happens when you let people become police officers without them learning about the Constitution and the limits to their authority.

    1. Who cares about the Constitution when Authority is questioned?


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