
Monday, October 07, 2024

Orwell's Warning: The Insidious Nature of Political Language

VIDEO HERE  (20:26 minutes)

Imagine waking up in a world where words no longer mean what they appear to. A place where language, the very tool we use to communicate and understand reality, is twisted to obscure truth and manipulate thoughts. This unsettling scenario is not a dystopian fiction but a reality shaped by doublespeak-a deliberate distortion of language to deceive and control. In this essay, we will examine the insidious power of doublespeak, exploring how skilled manipulators use doublespeak to alter our perception of reality, making lies sound truthful and atrocities seem admirable. The dystopian nightmare of George Orwell's work 1984, may be closer upon us than we realize. 

Intro: 00:00
What is doublespeak?: 00:46
Distorting perception: 09:34
Language and Totalitarianism: 16:19
Conclusion: 19:27


  1. War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength...
    the sentiment expressed in this axiom of irony from George Orwell has long been a mantra of mine. Those who refuse to get it, and are doomed to live by it.

  2. Orwell's 1984 was required reading for my entire class. We graduated 1984.
    One of our History teachers was a child when his parents escaped the Soviet Union.
    One of our shop teachers was a little boy in Berlin and remembers picking through the rubble to find lumps of coal - he also talked about the planes dropping candy.

  3. I watched almost all of that video. It is important to note that practically all of the examples given and most of the speakers pictured were republicans, including a large focus on DJT. This is a not-so-subtle indictment and prompts me to question the motivation of the organization that is presenting this information. I would argue that the dems are far more guilty of using doublespeak and promulgating doublethink (consider the "diversity is our strength" mantra).

    How appropriate that the authors call themselves the Machiavellians, the first definition of which I found is being cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics. Damn, the world has gotten to the point that I seriously question almost everything I read or see. I will tell you the same thing I tell everybody else: I am not as stupid as I look.

    1. Not only promoting double speak but creating new words and sentence structure... Listening to, mostly, young women today you can hear the programming

  4. A serving of Marxist victimology identity Olympics. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE NARRATIVE. Thinking for yourself or the lack of color in your skin makes you the Designated Oppressor


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