
Friday, October 18, 2024

Oughta work

Police in the Kiel, Germany, are struggling to keep up with the criminal activity of a small group of migrants who have sent the community in turmoil. In response to the concerns of citizens, the town’s council has told people to “talk to” the migrants and encourage them not to commit crimes.


  1. And to think we came close to losing to them 80 years ago

    1. Pretty sure if they had won, none of this would be happening. The "controllers" would have been contained globally.

    2. Maybe the Allies beating them 80 years ago is the cause of the way the Krauts are today. Ike’s and Montie's legions managed to turn Viking Arian warriors into tree hugging pussies. Don't forget, General Patton warned us back in '45 and they killed him for it.

  2. That's what happens when pussies elect pussies to run the show. Stay tuned for our show...

  3. "....they only speak Turkish..." So, how do the native Germans "talk to " them?

    1. Boots, fists, axe handles...flammenwerfer are illegal.

  4. A few pissed off guys, say 15 or so, with baseball bats should have that conversation with them

  5. Might be time to Finally figure out what people mean when they say
    We're gonna be Talking Turkey..
    I always inferred there would be violence and I was gonna be on the receiving end.
    If there is a Language Barrier I'd think that could be overcome. Knock one down, simulate rape, simulate stabbing and simulate beating.. Then, give them and their butties the Internationally understood Noo, with the headshake, add some fingerwaggin, and punctuate the Conversation with a solid shot to the side of head with a good stick. Even if it's a total fail ,YaKnow how much fun that would be, right?

  6. They are welcomed into another country and they completely disrespect said county? I've no problem sending the back where they came from. Kind of like democrates leaving Calif because a large part of it is a fucked up shithole. Then moving to another state and voting democrat. Some people are plain stupid and should not be allowed to move or mingle with others.

  7. It's just a thought, but... stop feeding them? And stop arresting your citizens that protect their own lives and property.

  8. That'll work as well as the Finnish 'no no square' dance. And will probably get some German citizens injured or killed.

    Midwest Chick

  9. Suicide by stupid' idiotic, cowardice.

  10. Get their attention. Bring back public hangings. Get your shit together, leave, or suffer the consequences. It's not rocket science.

  11. Isn't this the same country that proposed its citizens defend themselves against knifes with towels?

  12. Du bist ein Hund und ferucht... Better.


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