
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Remember when teen girls went to the mall when they were bored?

A group of five girls in Washington, D.C., beat an elderly disabled man to death last year because they were “bored” and looking for something to do, one of the assailants testified in court on Tuesday. The girls, who range in age from 12 to 15 years old, are accused of killing 64-year-old Reggie Brown in a random attack in the nation’s capital almost exactly one year ago. 


  1. Replies
    1. Close, unfortunately we're not allowed to play the game on our terms

  2. Replies
    1. Dude, their preferred pronoun is People of Color. More than once I have suggested using an endearing term like Poceys to describe them. Maybe Pokie? as I can see ghettoites liking to use the K instead of a C for the K sound.

  3. And there are those who continue to push for this cesspit to be the 51st state..... If the prosecutor had any guts, the parents of these monsters, who they probably created, should face consequences too.

    1. Defense Attorney will claim the DNA donors never had nuthin to do with none of them, ergo not responsible for how they turned out. IN FACT, the city and school district should pay THEM, for screwing up their future doctor, football and basketball star, and family preacher of a Son.

  4. This is LBJs “Great Society”

    1. "I'll have them N******s voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

    2. Quarter of the way there.

    3. Yeah, but we aren't going to make another 150. For starters, anyone reading this now will be dead long before then anyway. I figure the dying empire itself will not last more than another 10 years before complete breakdown, and that's a generous estimate. No idea what takes it's place, but the present iteration is fucked and done .

  5. Twelve years old and taking part in beating a random old guy to death. Satan is in control of that one. Good job, Mom.

  6. Hell awaits.......

  7. "All three juveniles, whose names are not being released due to their ages . . ."

    Yeah, that's why.

  8. Lets see. The kentucky girl got a year for racial slurs and biting. So I would say these girls will get off with a promise not to do it again.

  9. Never ceased to amaze me how the authorities will still withold their names and mugshots because they're juveniles.

    Fuck them.

  10. Cause of death: "CES" (cultural enrichment syndrome)
    - WDS

  11. If the Democrats preach ten year-olds are adult enough to choose their own gender, then these rancid piles of excrement are adult enough to be tried as adults and should serve adult sentences.
    As well, the parent(s) of said oxygen thieves should serve the same sentences.
    My estimation is their mommas have no clue where the daddies have been for at least ten years.

    1. They know where they are, the grey bar hotel.

  12. Baboon enclosures (prisons) getting too full? Delete them. hey're broken beyond repair. Probably the parents of said 'boons, too.

  13. "Stead of beating up a disabled man , they should've called 15 or more of 'teen' future baby daddies and 'run a train'/gangbang/orgy to relieve their 'boredom'. Raw.
    (You're looking for your mind bleach now.)
    That way, they can get a check while raising the next generation of rocket surgeons, STEM engineers and NOBEL Peace prize recipients.
    While also incubating the next iteration of antibiotic-resistant STDs/STIs.
    'Teen' girls these days just lack foresight and future orientation for their actions.
    But our civilization is so enriched by their vibrancy.
    /SARC !!!

    1. * It's not STEM anymore. It's called STEAM now. They added "Art" because of dindus dat can't do mafs.

  14. You know... It's a damn shame that we don't have public hangings anymore. Not only would that stop them from doing it again, but it would also save the taxpayers money in the long run, send a message to the other boons/nigresses, and witnessing it would be a nice way to spend an afternoon.

  15. DC is a f*king hellhole. Museums are nice but I doubt I'd cry much if major disaster hit the place. Especially if Congress is in session at the time.


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