
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

State attorneys: hunting rifles are not “constitutionally” protected in Connecticut

Hunters take note: State attorneys are arguing your rifles are not “constitutionally” protected in Connecticut.

What does that mean? According to attorney Joshua Perry, who works for the Connecticut Attorney General’s office, this means hunting rifles are legal but not protected by the Constitution. He argues that the Constitution only guarantees citizens the right to guns commonly used in self-defense and that semi-automatic rifles used in hunting do not fall into that category.


  1. He's full of crap. Any & every firearm I have is for self defense. Semi auto, pump or single shot.

    1. Bolt actions everywhere cry...

    2. Ummmm.......By definition hunting IS self defense. It protects and defends me from starving. There is no greater act of self preservation than to remain fed. In fact in the wild, unless taking time out for breeding purposes, remaining fed is pretty much all that the animals do. *burp*

  2. Deliberate misstatement of the SC judgement.

  3. "By any means necessary". Remember the neurotic, obsessed Progs have a goal and are playing the long game. It may be laughable now but it's like building a wall by placing down one brick a month. 3 generations and 60 years later the people only know the wall exists. They don't question how it was constructed.

  4. Willful misinterpretation.

  5. It's bait intended to lure you into a false argument. Instead of correctly reply that the 2nd Amendment was not written for hunting 4-legged critters, the gun lobby will cave on something like hi-cap magazines thinking it will pacify the lunatics that want to take everyone's guns away.

    Laughs in FAFO

  7. Another states attorney looking for a legal bitchslap?

  8. These State's attorney's are not idiots. They are liars. The 2nd amendment is a blanket prohibition on government interference in the RKBA. They know it and betray their oaths. Even if there were no 2A there is no authority anywhere in the Constitution for federal regulation of arms. Each of them are treasonous pukes.

  9. Son of the Father of Lies. The 2nd amendment makes no such stipulation regarding guns, however it has quite a bit to say regarding potential tyrants.

  10. So... when it comes to defending my home, I have to say, "Well, I WOULD stop you from breaking in but I only have a hunting rifle, and they aren't used for self-defense."

  11. The politicians have an infinite supply of tax payer money to make new laws against guns that are the same as the laws the supreme court has shot down. And then defend them to the supreme court again.

  12. Right to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness, nowhere does it say guaranteed about anything. Nothing about being taken care of while being not being responsible for yourself.
    Charities that are given tax-free status to aid the unfortunate, although I doubt more than 20% actually goes into the purpose of the charity is another scam on the population paying for this.

    1. Ok so obviously I put this on the wrong post
      Carry on

  13. And this is why every time I hear the NRA or any gun owner talk about hunting and target shooting as the reason for keeping the 2nd, I go nuts. The 2nd has nothing to do with anything but having the ability to shoot these bastards if needed to stop this govt tyranny bullshit.

    These AG just know how to play the game. The right and their Republican masters don't have a clue.


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