
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Study Shows the Influential One Percent Hold Different Views from Average Americans

When it comes to elitists in America, a recent study has shown that they are wildly out of touch with the average, everyday American people on a lot of issues such as freedom and the economy.

A project was recently conducted by prominent pollster Scott Rasmussen titled “Elite 1 Percent” goes into detail about who the one percent are and what their views are regarding American policies.


  1. Hmmm, maybe they aren't taxed enough. We need to close some of those tax loop holes for them and congress.

    1. Anyone who thinks the corrupt politicians will EVER vote to tax themselves is naive or smoking something. They will ALWAYS leave loopholes for themselves and their rich donors.

      Since EVERY politician will obviously do this, our tax code must therefore be composed primarily of loopholes. The only exceptions will be vote buying (EIC, anyone?) (AKA "charity")

      Which in turn implies that anybody who's actually paying income tax just isn't trying hard enough. (hints: Trusts. Owning it is different from using it. Hobby=>struggling business.)

      John G.

    2. That's what makes inflation the ultimate just tax. Everyone pays it, not just the top 10% of the earners.

    3. I'm never one to advocate a tax increase, and I never used to support the notion of going more aggressively after the wealth the the truly filthy rich. But after seeing what these billionaire cocksuckers like Gates, Bezos, Fuckersperg and Soros do with their money, I am fully in favor of asset stripping them to their underwear.

      Not out of envy, or a desire to redistribute their wealth even, mind you. But rather because I don't want them in a position to use their endless wealth against me and my interests, which is exactly what these bastards do at every opportunity. If it were in my power to do so, I'd confiscate everything they own and burn it, just so they had no further influence over jack shit.

  2. Another headline from the "No Shit Sherlock" Department.

  3. they live in a bubble. kind of like the people I used to work for. they didn't like the fact that I carried a weapon that is until they found THEIR life was in danger. then I became their best friend ! and they talk and worry about really stupid shit too. TV shows and sports crap.
    they are really out of touch with the "real world".

  4. Ask Mitt Romney. He won't eat the skin off a piece of fried chicken but will eat the skin on your dick.

  5. Elite is another word for useless idiot, elite 1% is just the steaming pile of shit on the top of the idiots that the flies circle endlessly...
    Just remember dipshits when we have nothing left to lose y'all aren't going to last long in the world

  6. They needed a study for this? I bet it was taxpayer funded. I have a few theories on water being wet that I need funding for.

  7. Y'all sound like my worst employees. I had a permanent policy of opening my books to any who was interested. They'd rather bitch and moan how my pockets had to be stuffed with money. Over twenty years and 30+ employees, not one expressed any interest.

    The performance bonuses rarely were claimed. The biweekly free pizzas or the tool incentives or free to them full tank of gas incentive resulted in diddly change in performance.
    But the howls when I cut the incentives after weeks of warnings.

    The best move I made was to no longer have employees, to use contract labor only.

    1. There's a lot to be said about that, my pizza for lunch on Fridays were a hit with my guys.. I provided tools so... and never offered gas to them unless he used his vehicle specifically for a job related task..


    Some of these people are 3 or 4 generations (or more) removed from the ancestors who actually made the money that got them where they are, and it shows. I saw it at my college-legacies who were a good 30-40 IQ points below daddy and grandpa- at my further schooling - and in a fair number of local businesses. A comfortable life and adequate money are like air, always there and anything different is unimaginable.


  9. "Rasmussen posits that many of the elites are unaware of the thought gap between them and everyday American people."

    They are very, very aware of this thought gap. They just do not believe anyone outside their bubble is an actual person.

    1. "They are very, very aware of this thought gap", they just don't give a chit because their wealth insulates and protects them from us common people.

      The ones that created their own wealth, like Gates, Bezos and Zuckerberg are the especially obnoxious ones because they believe that their intellect is vastly superior to the rest of us. For the most part, they had one good idea in their lifetime and a lot of luck which made them unimaginable fortunes.

      The ones that inherited their wealth or status, take the English royals as an example, for the most part are nowhere near as smart as their ancestors who originally created the inherited fortunes because they never had to risk anything in acquiring it and their upbringing was isolated and insulated from ordinary people.


    2. Good points. I'll agree with your points on Bezos and Fuckerberg, but Gates is nothing more than a highbrow thief.

  10. If only the problem were limited to 1% of the population.

  11. The most blatant expression of elitism I ever experienced was at my nieces high school graduation. My sister has done quite well and could afford to send her daughter to premier private schools even though she lived in a suburb with good schools. The primary speaker at the graduation may have been the principal and he commented on the experiences and plans of each of the graduates. There were only 2-3 black kids and he pointed out they were scholarship kids because, you know these "Detroit" kids with their disadvantages( of race and zip code) would never had the opportunity to experience the glory of being graduates of this school, and all things considered they did well for their kind. He used different words but that was the message. One kid was not headed to college but was going to some well known mechanics school to pursue his dream of being a mechanic. The speaker said he hoped the kid would come to his senses and enroll in university and "do something useful" with his life. Yes, the asshole was that blatant. he was so condescending and disrespectful, I had chips popping off my teeth before I got out of there. I'm willing to bet that my sister, her husband and my niece did not hear the blatant disrespect that guy was dishing out. I guess we should be grateful that our betters are willing to take the time and effort to guide and lead us. To quote C.S. Lewis;
    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    1. There's a college near me that has some professors I've done work for, plumbing, electrical and drywall repair.. I've found most of these "educated" clowns don't know their asses from a hole in the ground..


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