
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Study Shows the Influential One Percent Hold Different Views from Average Americans

When it comes to elitists in America, a recent study has shown that they are wildly out of touch with the average, everyday American people on a lot of issues such as freedom and the economy.

A project was recently conducted by prominent pollster Scott Rasmussen titled “Elite 1 Percent” goes into detail about who the one percent are and what their views are regarding American policies.


  1. Hmmm, maybe they aren't taxed enough. We need to close some of those tax loop holes for them and congress.

    1. Anyone who thinks the corrupt politicians will EVER vote to tax themselves is naive or smoking something. They will ALWAYS leave loopholes for themselves and their rich donors.

      Since EVERY politician will obviously do this, our tax code must therefore be composed primarily of loopholes. The only exceptions will be vote buying (EIC, anyone?) (AKA "charity")

      Which in turn implies that anybody who's actually paying income tax just isn't trying hard enough. (hints: Trusts. Owning it is different from using it. Hobby=>struggling business.)

      John G.

  2. Another headline from the "No Shit Sherlock" Department.


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