
Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Taxpayer-funded Minneapolis food pantry bans white people

The boss of a Minneapolis food pantry, funded by city taxpayers, has banned white people from taking advantage of the resource.

Mykela 'Keiko' Jackson used a Minnesota State grant to launch the Food Trap Project Bodega designed to help poor and hungry residents living close to the Sanctuary Covenant Church in the north of the city.

The pantry only opened up on July 27 but within months it has been forced to close and relocate away from church grounds after Jackson attempted to block white people from accessing the service, including a local chaplain who complained.


  1. I was born in the late 50s last by 6 years of 3 children of a poor white family. There is no "white privilege" that they talk about. Each one of us when we graduated HS was shown the door to find a life and I had been working since I was 4 years old. All of us worked to fund the family and over time we became lower middle class.

    1. What does your momma's baby daddy being parasitic filth, have to do with... well, anything?

  2. My family settled in my area back in 1772, I'm as indigenous as anyone else walking around including the Indians, whose families came across the Bering Strait so fuck off cunt.

  3. Can white people do that too?

    1. The left can discriminate ANYBODY they like.
      Remember, the 'I' in 'inclusion' does not mean 'everybody', it means 'us', and not US.

  4. LOL, She won't give food to a White person , too bad she isn't as adverse to taking the White peoples money . Blacks only ? Fine let it be black funded ONLY then .

    1. They will fund that as good as they tip at a restaurant.

    2. My wife was a waitress years back. That's the damn truth. Fucking monkeys. She came home crying one day she was so pissed. Her and 2 other waitresses waited on a huge group of them. They were there for about two hours asking for this and that and more this and that. They left a 3 dollar tip. So 1 dollar each. And she was a good waitress.

    3. scsi, ask a Memphis waitstaffer what it's like when the Church of God in Christ ("COGIC"), aka "The Hats" show up for their convocation.
      Any experienced waitstaffer schedules their vacation for that week.

  5. Well would you look at that. Ain't she a beaut? I wouldn't eat out of that place if I was black or "folx" either.

  6. MSP is gone. It’s joined LA, SF, NYC, StL, Shitcago, Bal’mer, DC, Memphis, Nawlins, Seattle, Portland, Milwaukee, and other shitholes governed by democrats.

  7. My eldest did a few months volunteering at a church food bank in our upscale town on Long Island a number of years ago to satisfy his community service requirement for Catholic school graduation. Despite the local population being 95% White, nearly every person who took advantage of the largesse was black. He said that overdressed black women with expensive weaves and nails would drive up in their Mercedes' and walk out with bags of free food meant for the needy. This is why I am very particular about which charities I will donate to, especially in cash.

    These people have no shame, no morals, no sense of decency. Anything they can get away with is 'reparations' in their twisted minds. All the better when they can make some 'privileged' White kid carry their booty out to their flashy cars for them.

    1. "These people have no shame, no morals, no sense of decency.".

  8. Sounds like a fire hazard. Wouldn't be at all surprised their venue burned to the ground. Repeatedly. Location independent. Ashes are black...

  9. Show up with a couple dozen people, clean her out. Rinse and repeat until the signs come down.

  10. Lots of good comments. Course we need to exclude them from everything.

  11. Never met any whites as prejudiced as them.

  12. Folx? "U.S.-born African Americans... for whom studies indicate that health has been impacted as the result of historical trauma. This trauma includes post-traumatic slave syndrome (PTSS) and epigenetic inheritance.'"
    More made up crap.

  13. I'll gladly pay you for a cheeseburger, next Thursday...Whimpie

  14. Sorry, it's "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today "

  15. Give a nig some power...


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