
Thursday, October 03, 2024

Well, at least it was legal with a contract and everything

An Arkansas couple tried to sell their 2-month-old baby boy for a 6-pack of beer and money, Natural State law enforcement say.

Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, stand accused of one count each of endangering the welfare of a minor and attempting to accept consideration for relinquishment of a minor, according to Benton County court records obtained by Law&Crime.


  1. I think if somebody wants to sell their kid, they really should. Because obviously they're unfit parents. You might say "but the government has to be involved to make sure they go to a good home!" Which is obvious nonsense, getting the government involved never actually makes things better, it just makes the busybody nannystate idiots happy.

    And "was willing to pay to have a child" is a better criteria for "is a fit parent" than the state uses anyway.

    John G.

    1. You've never heard of child sex trafficking, I take it.

  2. Would you think selling a child to Hillary Clinton was a good idea? Pedos with cash.

  3. I submit they're on the same branch of the family tree.

  4. I hope they were asking for good beer...


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