
Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Why I won't drive after just one drink

MONROE COUNTY, Tenn. (WSMV) - Keith Von Soosten saw the blue lights in his rear-view mirror as he left dinner on Aug. 26, 2023, but knew he lived just down the street.

Once he pulled in, body camera video showed state troopers asking almost immediately if he’d been drinking.

The answer was yes, but not enough, Von Soosten told WSMV4 Investigates, to be drunk.


Sure, you might eventually be found not guilty, but before it gets that far you're still going to be out the bail money as well as the towing and impound fee, plus you're going to spend at least a couple hours in jail before your pissed off wife comes down to bail you out.


  1. It's definitely not worth the hassle, there's too much money made by everyone by arresting you, even if you're innocent.. Plus the hassle you have to deal with

  2. And police officers wonder why they get no respect.....They refuse to take out their own trash and get rid of officers like this.

    1. I suspect that should the verdict and damages go the plaintiff's way, the officer in question will be updating his resume.

  3. And I don't answer questions the police ask, unless compelled by law: Do you have a Carry permit?

  4. Easy money for the gubmint.
    The State 'preciates you peeps who drink at bars & restaurants, pick up a six- or twelve-pack at the store and open one up while heading home.
    You make it so easy. And you never learn.

  5. Fuckin revenuers, nothing more. If they were remotely interested in "safety" They'd set up their breathalyzers in the bar parking lot and test you BEFORE you get in your car. Saving you an arrest but costing their fucking masters money.

    1. My brother had an idea for a "breathalyzer vending machine". Install it near the exit, charge a nominal fee per test (and dispensed plastic mouthpiece shield.)

      Never did anything with it though.

      John G.

  6. Well, the trooper that stepped over the line does live in the area.......... Just sayin

  7. This whole "don't drink and drive" is no problem for me. I only drink at stop signs and red traffic lights.

  8. I was arrested and accused of drunk driving by a rookie. I dont drink. never. I won that lawsuit too

  9. This wasn't about drinking. It was about a guy who didn't immediately kiss cop ass, so the cop abused his power to screw with him.

  10. It certainly has financially impacted the pub restaurants. If you have two with dinner and go slow on the back roads going home they know those are good hunting grounds.

  11. I won't even drink a non-alcohol beer if I am driving. I don't want the odor on my breath.

  12. In Michigan, you cannot have any alcohol in your system at all, if you are carrying a firearm. And I do not leave home without a firearm on my person. You cannot just count on where you live being safe as a reason to not be concerned with your safety. There is no place safe now, not even miles out of a small town.

    1. Same here in Tennessee and the same thing with me.

    2. Just wait until someone points out that the American Revolution was planned in a pub and there is no "history and tradition" of preventing people from having a drink while carrying a firearm.

  13. You can be stone cold sober and there are plenty of badgemonkeys who will still hook you for DUI and let you fight it out in court....while they happily perjure themselves.


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