
Tuesday, November 12, 2024

ACLU Pledges to Block Trump Administration Actions on LGBT, Abortion, and Immigration

The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) issued a statement vowing to block the incoming Trump Administration on as many policies as possible, including abortion, the LGBT agenda, and immigration.

As Fox News reports, ACLU’s executive director Anthony Romero published an open letter on the organization’s website, admitting that “we know that a second Trump administration will be even more aggressive and effective than it was before.”


  1. How many battalions does the ACLU have again?

  2. It's not so much the ACLU, but the Southern Povery Law Center's reinforcements.

  3. At what point does it become treason?

  4. So, bureaucrats are ready to declare war with the President America elected in a total frikken Landslide?
    Mabel! Get the popcorn ready..

  5. If I'm not mistaken that scam of a civil liberties group is government funded, at least the biggest bulk of it's budget anyway.... As far back as I can remember they have done very little of that and much more as a agitator for the communist bastards.. A huge fuck you to them from the Trump administration along with zero to their budget would be a righteous message to them

  6. I don't think there will be any action on abortion; the Supreme Court has left that to the states. I can't imagine wasting time on trying federal legislation now. As for LGBTQ et al, the only things I would expect are a clean up of Title 9 and the Military removing the concept of Trans- sexuality. Base all gender determinations on XX or XY and the problems is resolved. I can't imagine the Supreme Court being able to argue against that. I think that the ACLU may try to interject their opinion in to Immigration, but they have to argue against the enforcement of already existing laws.....

    As for how many divisions the ACLU commands? They command as many as the Pope!

  7. This indicates Trump is over the target!

  8. All they have to do is take an immigration case to court involving illegal alien gang members and Trump can shut them down under the Alien and Sedition Act. Or one of the Chinese PLA members that crossed the border. Then he can make their lawyers disappear under NDAA.

  9. Does this actually come as a surprise to anyone?

  10. I expected this would happen since that's the tactics progressive, angry, insecure neurotics employ.

  11. The far left orcs didn’t learn anything from the election beat down they received. I’m thinking that shits gonna get fun soon.

  12. Once upon a time, I researched the ACLU, and learned it was in fact, a defacto communist organization. What the ACLU says and does often sounds good on paper, but when viewed through the appropriate lense, they only do a thing if it forwards the interests of communism.

    Trump would do go to bring this fact into the spotlight, instead of allowing the ACLU to crawl in the shadows like a cockroach.

  13. we still have strict immigration laws that are soon to be strictly enforced. Isn't there a point where all the attorney's tying up the system to defy immigration laws encroach upon treason? Eisenhauer deported thousands, BO deported thousands. Arrest and detain a couple civil rights lawyers and hold them under the power of the law and Constitution, the message will get out.

  14. "I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal." - Roger Baldwin, founder of the aclu

  15. "we know that a second Trump administration will be even more aggressive and effective than it was before.”

    So they are admitting that his first term was effective? Interesting ...

    Phil B

  16. We need to defund the aclu. No more government monies for that crooked left wing organization.

    1. Just send in the usual squad at 2 am to brace all the functionaries, impound their computers, phones, files, etc - you know, like it used to be again.

  17. I think Eisenhower deported around three million in 18 months.

    1. FDR, the darling of the left, had a couple of "relocation centers".

  18. The ACLU is the only group that can count to 10 without using the number 2.

  19. Fuck the ACLU.

  20. Ah, yes, the american communist lawyers union is heard from. To quote Gomer, "Surprise, surprise, surprise."

  21. Good luck, bitches. This time it’s personal.

  22. Shouldn't they be out feeding the homeless?

  23. The ACLU, the SPLC and NPR need to have their funding cut to zero by executive order. I know that their funding comes from CONgress, but defunding by executive order will start a fight they can't win in court.

    It will also identify all the RINO's in CONgress, who will vote to continue their funding, that can be primaried in '22.

    Trump's going to have writer's cramp from all the executive orders he's going to sign.



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