
Friday, November 15, 2024

Bacon. Mmmmm, bacon.....

A McDonald’s restaurant in Massachusetts likely served a Muslim child pork in an act of discrimination, a state agency recently ruled.

In 2021, Ghadir Alahmar, who wears a hijab — a traditional Muslim headscarf — visited a branch of the popular fast food chain in Chicopee, a medium-sized city in the greater Springfield metro area. There, she ordered a Filet-O-Fish sandwich for her 7-year-old son.


  1. Next time, just spit on it.

  2. Durka durka durka bacon. Durka durka?
    I keel you durka durka!

  3. Instant Millionaires!

  4. Bad employees come in all shapes and sizes, and if you employ minimum wage workers, you're not getting the cream of the crop!
    This isn't a corporate issue, it was just a bad worker (with a good sense of humor!)

  5. I feel discriminated against too. When I order bacon in my burger, they give two, maayybee three strips of bacon. This person received bacon enhancements and I didn't. I'm sad !!

  6. There have been several of these incidents over the years. Most have turned out to be shakedowns where they added the bacon themselves.

    Not saying it happens that way everytime but like a lot of 'hate crimes' they are fake.


    1. My thought exactly. If I were on the jury when they sue I'd find for the defendant.

  7. McDonald’s does not serve halal food. Any food is against her religion.

  8. I’m calling bullshit. I was flying and the lady next to me was Muslim and had her kid with her. She ordered a turkey sandwich or her kid (she was fasting) and I got one too. I opened it up and saw bacon. I let her know and she said it was cool because the kid needed the protein. And she was devout, really devout.

    People just like suing McDonalds but if it was a franchisee the deep pockets aren’t there.
    Midwest Chick

    1. This right here! When you're dealing with someone whose religious makes lying to and/or killing non-believers an act of righteousness, there's absolutely no reason to take their word for it.

      Reminds me of my in-laws dealing with an old man in their neighborhood who lived alone. He had children who could support him, but he'd arranged to both not have any money and for his children to not support him. Then he'd fail to pay his electric bill until it got shut off. In the winter. And he'd get other people to pay it for him.

      Basically, he was living up to the ideals of his people by "paying" his own way in his old age. Via the grift. He was a gypsy.

      Utter stupidity. And I don't see any reason to think that this story isn't more of the same. Theirs isn't a culture (either Muslim or Gypsy) that *can* live in or create civilization, and attempting to treat them like it is? That's a good way to destroy yourself.

      John G.

  9. The poor kid deserves to have at least one good moment in life and bacon is GOOD.

  10. If she does not like bacon she and her culture need to go back to the third world shit hole she came from. You don't come to America and tell us we have to adopt your nonsense.

  11. When someone goes on an anti-Putin rant, just tell him/her that a man whose fav food is bacon can't be that bad.

  12. How many of you have ever gotten free food from the hamburger clown show? Yea , thought so.
    Next, whom in this world of cults believe they have the right to lie to their self avowed enemies? Again thought so.
    Dear ole slim deserves the same they offer other beliefs in the countries they control. Nifty how they can claim prosecution to enter another country . Then plan vacations in the former country that supposedly prosecuted them ... My hunch here is that the truth was buried some where in the traditional garb of dear old slims wife.

  13. 30+ years ago, while in college, I worked at a particular national pizza chain with a distinctive red roof. We had this family of Muslims who would come in every Sunday and order a large supreme pizza, with no pork. Only the man would be REALLY obnoxious about it. "There can be NO PORK on this pizza, do you understand me? NO PORK! We do not eat pork! They are unclean animals and we will not eat pork! Do you understand! etc." Usually for 2-3 minutes after he ordered. Well, a friend of mine had had about enough of it and when he made the pizza he took a single piece of italian sausage and slipped it under a pepperoni. "Hey, " he said to me, sotto voce, "Know what I'm doing? I'm sending that guy to hell."

  14. Muzzies don't belong in this country. Just like Yanks don't belong in Muzzie country. Different conflicting beliefs.

  15. It should be a slam dunk case, show the receipt from Mickey Ds that has the Add Bacon entry. Even if the customer does not have it, it could be reprinted from the system. MacDonald's tracks EVERY expense. When I worked there we had to empy returned shakes, drinks, etc or other items,and toss the cup in a special garbage can to be counted and added to the daily saless\waste sheet. Duh!


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