
Friday, November 22, 2024

Buh-bye, Carey

An Alabama man convicted in the 1994 killing of a hitchhiker cursed at the prison warden and made obscene gestures with his hands shortly before he was put to death Thursday evening in the nation’s third execution using nitrogen gas.

Carey Dale Grayson, 50, was executed at the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in southern Alabama. He was one of four teenagers convicted of killing Vickie DeBlieux, 37, as she hitchhiked through the state on the way to her mother’s home in Louisiana. The woman was attacked, beaten and thrown off a cliff.


  1. 30 years on death row is a mockery. I think the should switch to liquid nitrogen instead of gaseous.

  2. Seriously a guillotine or a wood chipper would be quicker

    1. Quicker, but require more cleanup.

  3. The daughter is more forgiving then I would be. Did society fail the murderer? Or was EVIL born? YOU CANT CHANGE EVIL!

    1. @ Anon 7:19 am , Evil is a choice . Us mere mortals , in the end , will have to answer to God Almighty , for our actions . Whether in this life , or the next .

  4. I support the idea of the death penalty, but I oppose it in practice. I have seen too many cases of the government hiding exculpatory evidence and otherwise rigging the game to ever trust government employees with anything as important as this.
    At the same time, I wholly disagree with the victim's daughter in this case. She states that “no one should have the right to take a person’s possibilities, days, and life.” That's the only way to prevent this from happening again- remove his possibilities and days. Even if not executed, people who murder others should at the very least be locked away where they cannot murder again- thus removing their possibilities and days. We do this because they are at high risk of doing the same to others.

    1. I'm with you on this. In my youth I was very pro death penalty. I'm sure that Pelosi would have used it on the J6 defendants if she thought she'd get away with it.

  5. Nice. Nitrogen is cheap, and nobody can complain about falling asleep. Not that I care about "cruelty" -- bullets are cheap too. But at least things are finally getting done.

    John G.

  6. Teenager, I asked? Then I did the math and realized that was 30 years ago. If you want me, I'll be NOT moving quickly or I will pull a muscle. Jeez!

  7. Make hanging great again, it's quick, it's painless if it snaps your neck, and it's cheap. Otherwise, blow $10 on ammo and do the whole firing squad thing. Making someone gasp for breath takes too long, unless of course, that is the point...

  8. A rope and tree is both cheaper and reusable but then so is a plastic bag over the head and tied at the neck..
    To the daughter, you have the right to be remorseful but not the right to push your anti-capital punishment agenda crap..
    Sorry for your loss

  9. I've had pets euthanized. They get a shot that quickly sedates them then one that stops their heart. While I'm philosophically opposed to capitol punishment it doesn't strike me a needing to be that complicated.

  10. Good riddance! Capital punishment SHOULD be HORRIBLE. It doesn't matter if capital punishment is a deterrent for others. It's a deterrent to the perpitrator.

  11. As proven all over Africa, a simple machete or panga will get the job done.

  12. A white boy? Now that is news.

    1. The State of California executed my dad's cousin back in 1996 and he was a straight up white boy.


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