
Friday, November 15, 2024

President-Elect Trump Promises National Concealed Carry Reciprocity in His Next Term

In a powerful statement over the weekend, President-Elect Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to protecting the Second Amendment by announcing his push for national concealed carry reciprocity.

This proposal would mean that concealed carry permits issued in any one state would be recognized in all 50 states, allowing gun owners to travel without worrying about crossing state lines with their legally owned firearms.


Yeah, and as soon as it passes, some poor slob from Tennessee is going to get pulled over by the New Jersey or Massachusetts State Police and go to jail, not for carrying a concealed firearm, but for a 'high capacity magazine' or possession of hollow point ammo simply because he or she didn't know better.

Folks, the United States Concealed Carry Association puts out an excellent guide on concealed carry laws and reciprocity in the US. It's easy to use, just click on your State or the State you're interested in and it'll give the rundown on gun laws there which is handy as hell if you're planning a road trip. From what I've seen, it's also updated as soon as a new law goes into effect.


  1. Absolutely right Ken and thanks for that advice. The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

    1. My grandma went by Zimmy too. Starker was here

  2. Reciprocity is good and all, but why do I need a license in the first place?

    1. I don't think anybody should have to have a permit, but I've got mine because there are States that don't have permitless carry and while I don't see it happening, I just might have to travel through that State.

    2. you don't/shouldn't need a license, but does/should Juan or Santiago need a license: how about Pierre, Baptiste, or Jean anyone of the five former who just entered the country via the river only last month? how about Mohamed, Abdel or Ahmed who arrived the same way?

    3. A permit isn't necessarily a terrible thing, just as we have permits/ licenses to drive. We don't just assume people are born knowing how to drive. They need to practice and show a basic competency. The issue is just how difficult some states make it to get one, like the republik of Kalifornia for ex. Carrying a firearm is a serious responsibility, and whoever is carrying needs to know how to use it, and to have the restraint to not use it unjust. If a permit was for any law abiding US citizen over 18 and getting one involved taking a firearms safety course showing the basics of how to use it I would think that would be reasonable to do so.

    4. Well, driving isn't a Constitutional Right, but bearing arms is. But the issue at hand is reciprocity. Why is it that my driver's license is recognized in all 50 States, but my permit isn't?

    5. Wirecutter, technically it should be recognized the same as a DL, marriage license or other official articles via Article IV Section 1.

  3. While I can see what he’s trying to do with this particular “measure,) it really means jack, and shit, to me personally: I’ve had a permit to carry 3-1/2 decades + where I live, which is also an open carry state. ( NE Appalachia).
    I also realize in some states it’s the “law” to inform at a stop to carrying a handgun. Don’t ask and don’t tell is what I’ve lived by. It’s so freakin easy to stay out of trouble. It’s like drinking and driving. It’s only a money extracting racket. Road pirates is all they are.
    Chris (CIII)

  4. why i stay south of mosby country.

    1. your comment made me think of this Moseley

  5. A national concealed-carry reciprocity bill was passed out of the House into the Senate back in 2018(?). Guess who killed it?? Republican Sen. Charles Grassley. It won't make it this time, either....

  6. The Pelousi cadre out on the left coast are going to collectively piss their pants.

  7. I'm with Ken. Permits are BS. What we need is national Constitutional carry. I mean, the 2nd amendment applies to all 50 states, right? This is NOT a states rights issue.

  8. The number of legal road blocks leading to prison time for anyone carrying in the communist states will be myriad...and often indecipherable. Reciprocity doesn't mean shiite if it doesn't allow for arrest and imprisonment of politicians who use it against honest people.

  9. I get all the good reasons for carrying,legally,but why do you need hollow point rounds? Is that extra insurance for those that can't/don't know how to use their weapons.

    1. Because regular round nose bullets are very ineffective compared to hollow points. If I'm in a situation where I need to use my gun, I want to stop that threat in one or two shots, not eight or nine.
      Also, round nose rounds tend to completely penetrate a body more often than hollow points, which endangers anybody standing behind the threat.
      Round nose bullets are for practice, hollow points are for taking care of business.

  10. Took the CC Class but didn't care to get my permit. If you pack heat, join

    BTW, why would anyone want to go to Mass or NJ?

    1. To get to Maine, or New Hampshire.

  11. They don’t obey the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, the highest law in the land, but by God we’ll make them obey a lesser law!
    The sentiment is great; the reasoning is retarded. Getting a permit to exercise a Constitutional right is just wrong.

    1. Hey! You can't say things like that without getting approved for a Free Speech permit first!

  12. what about the 27 states that allow concealed carry with no permit?


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