
Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Best 1911 vs. Glock Video Ever

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves tackles the Glock vs. 1911 question. This isn't the first time or the last time that a "Glock or 1911" video has been or is going to be on YouTube, but it's definitely the best time. This video features renowned instructor and 1911 guru Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch. But more importantly, James' mom, Connie, shoots a Glock and a 1911 for the first time ever, side by side, and gives her opinion of which option is the best. The Glock versus the 1911 from the perspective of a veteran with decades of experience and from the viewpoint of a new shooter, today on TFBTV.

VIDEO HERE (17:35 minutes)


  1. Which is best? That depends on You. I like the 1911. The lack of a safety on the Glock is a problem to me.

    1. Hear, hear. I can look down my arm at the back of any of my 1911s and see if the hammer is back (or not), ready to fire (or not). I can carry with it cocked and locked and have never had the safety accidentally disengage. While "to each his own" always rings true, I still have a very faded tee 1911 shirt that says ".45 ACP - because shooting twice is silly"

  2. Decent video, I'll stick with 1911. My view ... guns are like boots, wear what fits you.

  3. 1911’s are like a sports car.
    A Glock is like a Toyota that doesn’t care how badly you treat it.

  4. I carry the Glock 40, have recently purchased the RIA 2011 in 10 MM 5 & 6 inch barrel models. Also have now acquired a Kimber Rapide in 10MM. Other then the weigh factor they all shoot equally well and like the Jeremy R stated, no safety on the Glock. So you always have to keep that in mind carrying the Glock. I’d say carry what your able to shoot the best, especially in this day and age.

    1. My M&P doesn't have an external safety, never been a problem for me. Train with what you shoot. You'll get used to it.

  5. I have 2 range guns. A Colt 1911 Government in 9mm and a Glock 17 9mm. I shoot them equally well two handed but I am slightly better with the 1911 one handed. My carry is either a Glock 22 10mm, a S&W 65-2, or a NAA 22WMR.

  6. Replies
    1. You shouldn’t but any firearm.

  7. I own both,what do love/feel better with,the 1911,reason,single stack.

    As for a good vr.s video....,well,love this one!

    Will say,the Glock is stupid easy to take apart and clean.

    Use/carry what makes you fell comfortable /happy....,simple as.

  8. I've taught some ladies shooting. with various pistols. Good shooting was done with some of the 1911's. I have a narrow grip which helps.
    A 9mm 1911 will almost shoot for you.
    Also the good trigger makes a difference
    There are a ton of good guns out now.
    Paul J

  9. The video used a 9mm Glock vs a .45 1911, the firing experience might result in a different outcome if using a Glock in .45. Having both 1911s and Glocks (among others), as the experienced shooter Clint(?) stated, malfunctions are usually operator issues (limp wrist, altering parts, etc) or bad ammo or magazines. I've fired two 1911s in 10mm without issue - once finding the right food to feed, same with 1911s in .45. The often hard learned lessons for new owners is patience, training, and finding the right ammo for feeding and accuracy, and practice, practice, practice.

  10. grew up with a 1911. dad's gun. tried a Glock but it never felt "right" to me.
    have 4 1911 and 2 Sig 220 in 45, they work. also I fell better seeing the hammer.
    I have one hammerless wheel gun for winter use in my left pocket.
    did pick up the SA-35 and enjoy shooting it and use it as a carry weapon.
    had 2 different Hi Powers in the past, like the 1911 in a lot of ways.
    but the SA-35 in a better weapon all around than the other two where. no hammer bite and the trigger is a lot better ! they did something to the feed ramp too as it will feed anything. like anything else in life, use what fits you and you can hit with.
    at the end of the day it all comes down to what works for you.
    kind of like taking a first time guy buyer to a range where he/she can try out different weapons to find the one they feel at home with. it is worth the bucks to rent and find out
    than to buy a gun you hate to use and end up selling.

  11. I've seen a couple of videos of someone shooting themselves on the leg with a Glock. Haven't seen any with a 1911. So, obviously the Glock is more entertaining.

  12. Just sitting here reading and laughing at this

  13. I carry what I feel like, but that's just when I'm out of range of any shotguns or rifles. Maybe a G2C, maybe a 1911, maybe a 6" GP-100 in .357, but the long guns make me comfortable.

  14. So I guess carrying my single action Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 mag is just out of the question.

  15. The grip angle on the glock makes it point up in the air. Mostly I carry my blackhawk with magnum loads for the bears, or an old officer model 1911 for concealed when I go out.

    1. If you like the Officer's Model, you'll love the Colt Defender. I've got both and have pretty much retired the Officer's Model.


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