
Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Well, what the fuck did you expect?

People are willing to go to great lengths to support their beloved sports teams—one person even lost his job for it.

A Los Angeles Dodgers fan claims he was fired after being spotted at the team’s World Series victory parade after calling in sick for work.


  1. That sort-of happened to me, but I didn't get fired. I called out from National Guard duty to attend a Redskins playoff game at RFK. I didn't know that the First Sargent had planned a little watch party. Everyone in the detachment watched the game in the break room and a couple guys spotted me since our seats were 5th row, 45yard line behind the Washington bench. They didn't snitch me out, but I was nervous for a while.

  2. Never did get the organized sports thing. People love one team and hate the rest. They want them bad ol teams to go away. Well, if the teams ya hate went away, who to hell would your team play? I also think we are not far from the Colosseum of old.

  3. Should have gotten and used FMLA.

  4. Large companies I've worked for now lump everything into paid-time-off, PTO. Nobody needs to lie about anything, and nobody will challenge it. Just email or voice mail that you are out for the day, and you have discharged your responsibility.

    1. Our PTO has to be scheduled a week in advance and only 1 guy per shift off at a time.

  5. If they had to close the business because 1 person didn't show, they're not being paid enough. If they're being paid enough, they wouldn't want to skip work. If they can fire someone for skipping work 1 day, that person isn't important. Why did they have to close the biz that day?

  6. Worked with a guy who LOVED fishing. The state announced a record salmon run hours before he called in sick. He miraculously recovered and returned to work the next day. He then went to the boss's office and signed for his sick time. 5 minutes later he broke out his pictures to impress the guys. He was notorious for pushing the limits and not having a mouth filter. That was the final straw. The boss had him.

  7. I knew a guy that got fired from a job as a Fire Fighter when he was filmed at a baseball game after he called in sick. He'd been pushing the limits for a long time, and finally got caught.

  8. He earned his PTO / sick days, and they are his to use as he pleases. Employers' heads explode when they don't have absolute lordship over someone else's private life, and that person isn't being kept utterly desperate and dependent on his master. They go to incredible lengths, even financial suicide, to keep workers in check. Firing this guy for using HIS sick days is just another indicator of the extent that worker protections in the United States Economic Zone are lagging behind the rest of the developed world. Unions are good for workers, tribe up.

    - Arc

    1. And that's the difference between my generation and yours. If you're hired for the job, then you damned sure better go to work and do the job. You don't go to work only if you're in the mood.
      If the language used is 'Sick Day', it's for use when he's sick. If it's PTO, then it needs to be approved otherwise the entire workforce can conceivably be absent in an event like that.
      When I worked for Safeway, there were certain days such as the day of and after a holiday or a major sporting event that you had to bring in a doctor's note if you were absent.

  9. I told my boss I was going to be sick the 1st day of deer season. He said I couldn't do that because I was in fact not going to be sick. I told him I was being nice so he would know to schedule accordingly.
    He took me up to see our manager and explained what I had planned on doing.
    My manager asked if the hunting was good where I was going and how he missed having a place to himself. Needless to say I went hunting.
    NOTE Our vacations were scheduled 6 months in advance.

    1. I was lucky, where I worked on my last job, an urban social service office. There were only about 5-6 of us who hunted in a office of 200. In the rural counties, half the office would would want off opening day of deer season.

    2. When I was in Georgia they closed the schools for the first day of deer season.

    3. They didn't close the school in the UP, but the kids who hunted got two free days off, just had to be OK'd by a parent.

  10. How does anyone get the idea of "my team"? It's a hobby of ultra-rich that got the best tax break in your city instead of someone else's. It's "your team" if you get invited to the team parties. Bread and circuses - they get the bread, you get the clowns.

  11. Hand to God, we had a guy pull the same stunt when the Chiefs won their first Super Bowl…
    He bragged for a week prior that he was going to the parade if they won, then called in sick for the entire week after the game (we’re in Texas, it’s a drive…).
    When asked for a doctors note, he then claimed he actually went to KC to see his dying father… But the dumb bastard had already posted a man on the street interview with the local KC tv station from the parade route ( featuring himself, his dad and kids, all decked out in chiefs gear) on his Facebook page.
    Word was that HR played the interview during his termination meeting.


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