
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A DUI he'll remember the rest of his life

ATLANTA (WANF/Gray News) - Police in Georgia said a drunken driver has been hospitalized after he was shot and beaten following a crash.


  1. Happened in Atlanta, GA so what are the odds it was an Amish dude high after swilling on unpasturized milk.

  2. Curbside justice in action.

  3. These are the kind of heart warming stories that convince me there's still hope for us as Americans. Thanks, Kenny! Eod1sg Ret

  4. The tree bear killing a hunter is a better story.

  5. “ No arrests have been made at this time.”….. not even a DWI…??Hope it was a blackout….”honest guys.. I was drinking in a bar, and the next thing I know, I wake up in the hospital all beat up and shot”….. that was hell of a last call…”


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