
Monday, December 09, 2024

Canada bans more types of firearms and proposes donating guns to Ukraine

Canada said Thursday it is outlawing another 324 firearm varieties — guns the public safety minister said belong on the battlefield, not in the hands of hunters or sport shooters.

Ottawa also said it is working with the government of Ukraine to see how the guns can be donated to support the fight against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


  1. Canadians with balls sould take the "banned" weapons and instead of donating them to Ukraine shove them up the faggot Trudeau's ass.

  2. Read the list on guns they are banning. Most are reproductions of WW2 guns in semi-auto chambered for 22lr. A bunch more are pistol caliber rifles, also semiauto. My favorite one from the list is the browning M2 in 1/2 scale semi-auto in 22lr .

    This has nothing to do with arming the ukes and everything with Casto''s love child banning things that scare him because the WEF told him too. I would love to see Uke troops hold back a Russian charge of infantry and armour with a bunch of semi auto 22's. That will end well.


    1. The idiots that thought up this round of gun bans don't know anything about guns. I went through the list and many were banned from back in 1950's. Why the Arisaka bolt action is banned I can't fathom. 22mag rimfire? Bull pups?
      And the kicker is, they did NOT ban the SKS 7.63x39 semi-auto rifles as the gov was told that a ton of indians use these rifle for hunting and it would severely piss them off if the gov took them away from the "former liberal voters."
      I heard that this is a F$%& you to the conservatives that are trying to force a non-confidence vote and trigger a snap election.
      Even other liberals hate the liberals. Most are afraid that not only will they lose the election they will see the party decimated. Lets hope.

    2. Polimath, "The idiots that thought up this round of gun bans" NEVER know anything about firearms or firearms law.

    3. Shush on the SKS. It's too cold to go boating. Eh?

  3. Stupid Canadian authorities! The M249 SAW and more potent weapons are the only ones worth shipping to Ukraine. Although I’d love to have a Ruger Mini 14 for plinking around, semi-autos won’t cut it in a real war. New York State outlawed AR-15s a few years ago, as part of its “S.A.F.E.Act,” but less than a few dozen were registered as required, and zero were surrendered.

    I hate these idiots, and NYS is about to lose a solid at paying citizen with money to spend in NY in favor of a state that hasn’t lost its mind.

  4. This is my first post, after years of lurking on your site. It appears that several of the newly banned guns are rimfire, and need reloading after every shot. they might be more useful in war if ya tied a bayonet to the end of the barrel. I am a Canadian through and through. But to suggest that these would be wanted and useful for the Ukraine army is just insulting.

    1. Then take the guns they want to ban and get rid of the commies running your country my brother!

    2. Sadly, we can see just how hard it is to get rid of commies running our own country. Sure Trump has been elected, but time will tell if the swamp allows him to do anything that he has promised.
      Just like the leftists who threatened to move out of the country if Trump was elected, then didn't, most of the people on the right are no better. Like my dad always said, talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey.

    3. It really doesn't matter what caliber of weapons Turdeau is banning. The fact that he's doing it is a loud and clear message that the Canadian government wants its citizens disarmed. That step begs the question, what is the government's next steps of repression if they succeed in disarming the population?

      I believe you probably know this but I'm stating it any way: No government in modern history has disarmed its citizens and NOT gone on a genocide rampage. +/-262 million, that we know of, last century alone.

      So, when are you Canadians going to start shooting the cock sucking politicians that are trying to disarm you instead of complying with their unjustified edicts and when are you going to depose Turdeau?

      The man has been nothing but a pariah since he attained Prime Minister's office, trampling on Canadian's rights willy nilly and laughing at all of you while he does it.

      Time for you Canadian citizens to take an active roll in deposing this despot and all who support him. WTH, Syrian rebels just deposed Assad. Shouldn't be too hard to do it in Canada.

      All you have to do is blockade Ottawa and cut off the power. After a week of freezing their asses off, Ottawa's citizen's will deliver Turdeau trussed up on a rail, probably sooner.


      P.S. Welcome to the Knuckledraggin party ;-))

    4. Well, to be honest, the Syrian rebels did have the assistance of certain factions inside one or more 3 letter agencies. As long as Fidelito follows the deep state directives, he's safe. If they decide he's no longer useful, his gravy train comes to a screeching halt.

    5. Maybe we are missing something. Castreu might just be more friendly to his dad's old chums aka Russia in which case arming the Ukrainian army with kid's guns becomes plausible. He's a commie turd, nuff said.

    6. This is about civil disarmament, same as the action on 2A. The gun orgs up here are afraid to discuss _that_ for fear of being labeled conspiracy nuts.
      That said, those orgs appear to be waiting for the next administration to continue.

    7. Slightly off topic but I read that Turdoo was "elected" with only 34% of the vote.

  5. No one I know is turning in squat. That greasy queef the turd™, will be deepsixed out of office within a year along with his rim licking policies, never to darken our lives again. My hope is he gets an massive dose of gay disease and dies agonizingly in an pool of his puss!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Yeah, all of the Aussies I used to work with held something back for a rainy day.

    2. Hey Shoots - In a little town north of Addminton, they had a fabulous weekend of gun sale at the LGS. I mean the place "neer"ly sold out. And according to the sale staff NONE of those type of buyers were going to turn in Squat. I guess ammo sale were very brisk too.
      The LGS made their entire gun sale for the year in just a weekend.
      I hope the LGS send a thankyou card to Turdo as this just made their year.

  6. Canada is now run by people even California wouldn't accept

  7. Gonna be easy when we invade.

  8. I'm guessing a lot of Canadiens wouldn't mind being part of the 51st state...

    1. The States from 51 to 55 should be Eastern BC (fuck the Lower Mainland, they are beyond Hope,) Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon and the Territories.
      Ontario can keep Quebec and they can figure out who will pay all their bills.
      The Maritimes are used to being broke, so if they form their own show, good luck.

    2. What about Manitoba ?

    3. Grumpy, would this mean we could drive from Seattle to Fairbanks with our guns?

    4. Manitoba is 60% natives on welfare and stabbing each other. Take the lower half or leave it all for Ontario.


  9. Please do say "Canada bans more types of firearms."
    instead, it should read:
    "Whiny Communist Bitch Trudeau is scared and can't find his safe space."

    His policies have accelerated the sales of more guns in Canada, than any other Prime Minister, ever.

    His mom, Margie Floating Beaver, should have kept her legs crossed and swallowed instead.

  10. Because Ukrainians need to defend themselves but Canadians don't.

  11. In Canada every gun sale from a retailer is recorded, but there is no requirement for private sales to be recorded. A private seller only has to ensure the buyer has a PAL (Purchase & Acquisition Licence), there is no requirement to keep records.
    "I don't know who I sold my gun to, officer. I met him at the range/hunt camp/LGS, he showed me his PAL and we did a cash deal. No I don't have his email or phone number."

    In the past five years the govt has spent $67,000,000 and not bought-back a single gun yet. It turns almost 100% of handguns seized from gangstas in Toronto have been smuggled from the USA.

    1. You might want to check that again, Al. If you sell privately now without a "Transfer Number" from the King's Cowboys, you might find yourself in hot water. Basically a back door registry.
      The whole scam is a kickback scheme to put taxpayer's dollars into Liberal pockets anyway. Where do you think all that $67,000,000 was spent on "studies" do you?

  12. The Canadians can't vote that faggot out of office quick enough.

  13. UGH we can't topple this government soon enough. Problem is the lefties are propping each other up and that won't ever change because Singh knows this is the closest he will EVER get to having power. And we're all suffering so much for it. Trudeau has done so much damage.

    Sure, we'll be replacing our current dangerous idiot with a different kind of dangerous idiot (and with a likely overwhelming mandate) but it has to happen.


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