
Friday, December 06, 2024

Daniel Penny update

Daniel Penny is one step closer to freedom after a judge dismissed the top manslaughter charge against him on Friday - but he must return to court next week to face lesser charges. 

Penny, a young Marine veteran, was charged with manslaughter for stepping in when Neely, a mentally ill homeless man, threatened subway passengers on an F train on an early summer afternoon in New York City in May 2023. 


  1. The corrupt prosecutors in New York Chitty aren't going to give up that easily.

    1. They got a taste of blood and a feel for power after the democrats and the white house told them to go after Trump and anyone standing in the way of destroying the country.
      But fear not. Democrats just want to save democrazy.

  2. The corrupt judge and prosecutor are trying every trick they can to get "the white man" convicted. They're just 1 step closer to a mistrial ruling on the appeal.

  3. Money quote: "New York based lawyer Jonna Spilbor told that the legal move had robbed Penny of having a chance of being exonerated.

    She said: ‘The judge’s decision to let prosecutors dismiss the manslaughter charge and force the jury to deliberate on criminal negligence after a deadlock is a blatant miscarriage of justice.

    ‘It effectively takes an acquittal off the table, robbing Daniel Penny of a fair shot at being fully exonerated.

    ‘A hung jury means the prosecution failed to meet its burden of proof on the top count. And here, the jury was specifically instructed it was only permitted to find Penny guilty of one or the other, if at all."

    Desperate to find him guilty on something

    1. .... and if that fails, I can imagine there's a traffic ticket waiting for him to be convicted for.
      "Hey jury, here are 34 thingies that are not felonies, but if you declare him guilty you can go home and we'll call them all felonies.".
      We've been there before.....

  4. Take a nice internet search look at the evil (rhymes with punt) prosecution attorney. Hates ALL men, particularly if they are white. A self-hating giew.

  5. So now all white men in particular now know for certain that if you cannot run away from an altercation, just stand back and video it like everyone else.

  6. And, Neely's father has filed suit for damages:

  7. The corrupt, unqualified prosecutor and judge in this case should lose their law licenses and go to prison. They were not asking the jury to decide right or wrong, they were trying to see what THEY could get away with.

    1. Better still, they should end up in a concrete pour somewhere, in the good old NYC tradition.

    2. Are they still building anything in NYC?

  8. I don’t ever want to hear “why didn’t somebody do something?!” ever again…
    the heroes are officially clocked out and will likely never return… your last memory will be a LiveLeak video…

  9. Alvin Bragg doesnt want you to know that a black guy and a Mexican helped him subdue the guy threatening to murder everyone

    1. And the race baiting supporters of the insane and violent guy are calling it a racist act because that information is not getting much if any time.

  10. The Bankers made a deposit to BLM Incorporated a multi million dollar company.


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