
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dem Predicts Massive Backlash After Party Leaders Exposed for ‘Lying’ About Biden Health

Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky said Thursday night that the Democratic Party could face a “tea party” movement after the Biden administration concealed the truth about President Joe Biden’s health.

A Wall Street Journal article published Thursday revealed White House aides “insulated” Biden, even from Cabinet members, from the first year of his presidency. Roginsky said that the “lying” about Biden’s health would have consequences for Democrats.


  1. Everyone that has been awake for the last 16 years knows slo joe had lost what little mind he previously had a long time ago

  2. Don't worry: the media will bark twice and the sheep will line up again.

    1. You're probably the only one that thinks the media has any power left. Everybody else has realized they spew nothing but garbage to advance their own agenda.

    2. Anon @ 2:10
      He's not wrong.

  3. Hopefully a backlash enough to get the supreme court to rule that he wasn't ever actually president, every thing 'he' did was invalid, and those who actually did it need to be up on charges - treason among them.

    John G.

    1. Tomorrow (Christmas) we need to tell the Democrats that show up, if they had not stolen the election in 2020, Trump would be leaving office for the last time in a month versus starting his second term.

    2. I think we needed that asshole (Joe) just to show people just how fucked in the head the demonrats really are. anyway. old Joe never was the brightest person around.
      he owes his time in congress due to the fact that he was easy to buy.
      this is a clown who bought a house without a roof ! and later on sold his OWN driveway ? and if you look at "his" staff, you see a lot of them are Bozo holdovers
      from Bozo's time in office. simple to say this. that dumb fuck signed anything they put in front of him. he had no idea what he was signing.
      Joe is and always has been a blowhard and liar. with the SS backing him up, he also a bully. in short as my dad would say , "a flaming asshole"

  4. Hey Wirecutter, I hope the world is treating you good. I just read the article on Biden and his failing health. You know, this doesn't surprise me at all. I have been wondering for over a year now, who is actually running our country. I think I have a notion who is behind all of this, but like I said, this doesn't even surprise me. SMH

  5. just exactly who signed the bills passed by Congress? Even if he did put his John Doe on the dotted line, was he aware of exactly what he was signing?
    no matter what the media says/lies, I do not believe we had a mentally competent POTUS for the past four years

    1. You'd have a hard time convincing me that any president in the last 50 years read every word of every law thst was signed. They're just too massive for any one person to read and comprehend.

    2. Functioning Presidents don't read bills, but they have a team that reads them, looks for traps, and summarizes them for the President to decide. Biden was incapable of understanding the summary.

      Did he even know what he was signing when he signed Hunter's pardon?

  6. Whatever her point may be, this piece is pure gibberish.

  7. The Constitution does not disallow seating the new president before Jan 20.

    I motion that Trump be sworn in now.

    1. I the rate he has been f-ing up things for the single purpose of leaving DJT a flaming heap of a country, there's no telling what else he could, and will try to, intentionally f-up in his last three weeks! DJT, please save us from this!!

  8. @ Anonymous
    not to disagree or be disagreeable, but please outline, define, and back up your points with facts:
    why are you saying "...this piece is pure gibberish"?
    The Dems (mostly those taken in by "Marxist theology") are running scared, badly frightened; they've have lost all voter support save the "stalwart/mindless" like my SIIL.
    I'd be interested in what your viewpoints.

  9. FJB's health is the least of their lies.

  10. Considering Pedo Joe is barely conscious, who in the fuck is the one issuing all the pardons?

  11. Bull. Shit.

    Before the 2026 elections, the Democrats will be lining up and jumping however high their news tells then to.

  12. keyword :
    * "Sharp as a tack."
    * "Alert and inquisitive."
    * "As honest as he ever was."

  13. Anyone with eyes and a semi-open mind new Biden was fucked up for years, regardless what was published in the media.


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