
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Doctors warn of a 'quad-demic' this winter as four viral infections soar

Doctors have warned Americans they could soon face a 'quad-demic' of viral illnesses this winter.

Experts say a combination of Covid, flu, the cold-like virus RSV and the stomach bug norovirus could all hit at once.


Whatever. Around here we call that a case of the sniffles.


  1. COVID was your Boy Who Cried Wolf event CDC. Nobody is listening anymore.

  2. Everything is gaslighting and DEATH!!!!
    Can't believe anyone anymore.

  3. I see Herpes Simplex virus wasn't on the list so we're good.

    1. One disease is missing: leftist ..upidity.

    2. Can't tell if you left some characters off of 'stupidity' or misspelled 'uppity'. Either one works, so no harm done.

  4. Nuisance has declared a "state of emergency" over bird flu. Apparently it has jumped to humans as public health officials have detected large amounts of bird flu virus in waste water.

    What a great job, sampling poop water for a whole range of virus' every day.


  5. Sounds more like another plannedemic of pure bullshit.

  6. That A-Hole Dr Bowtie says that on 1/21, 5-6 new viral strains will mysteriously appear.

    Really? Kary Mullins said there's no proof of "viruses". But there are pathogens.

  7. The distractions just keep on coming. They stage the drone hoax to distract us from Trump kicking the crap out of Kamalala then lie about what they know. Bribem calls for more gun control about a week or so ago and some disgruntled barely a teenager stages a mass shooting, then Bribem changes his gun control message to ban all assault weapons when a handgun was used in the crime. Now, to distract us from the drones because that gaslight meme isn't working, it's OMFG a quadruple whammy of viruses ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL.

    Then there's CONgress about to pass a YYUUGGEE spending bill that keeps .gov open for three months AND gives CONgress critters a raise because inflation, which they caused, is cutting into their income among other pieces of pork that just boggles the mind.

    Then they wonder why their approval ratings are lower than whale chit.

    Speaker Johnson, you remember him, the guy who promised; if elected to the Speakership, a bunch of small one or two page bills that every one could read and comment before sending the bill to the floor for a vote is running CONgress the same way that Piglosi and McCarthy ran it; thousands of pages of a pork laden bill which no one will read, but they'll "pass it to see what's in it".

    New boss same as the two old bosses.


  8. One chicken in a million gets bird flu. Gotta kill 10 million chickens to stop the spread. These assholes have to be stopped.

  9. OH SHIT! I can't find my mask!!!

  10. How much toilet paper do I need to buy?


    Anyway, as I was saying...

  12. Though I very rarely get sick (last real illness was COVID in 2020), I came down with a bug a month ago. It ran its course in 48 hours. Felt bad for a few hours one afternoon; chills, bed soaking sweats, and a 103 degree temperature started at 4PM and broke at 4AM. Felt like Hell for the entire next day. Was 95% the next morning.

    I'm sure there was a lab involved. /s

  13. what i worry about is all the false flags and lies but then they release a real biological bug or parasite

  14. Meh, if it’s my time, then so be it.

  15. I our area, lots of mycoplasma pneumonia (common in college age adults), regular pneumonia, little RSV or Wuhan Flu. But still, run for your lives, mask up, stay a mile apart and get an abortion to stop the spread. And trust your doctor, brought to you by Pfizer.

    1. Thank you for the timely info/advice. Though, because I identify as a male, the abortion sounds problematic, but I'll get right on it!

  16. So grab a couple of cans of chicken noodle soup, some ginger ale and a bottle of Jack Daniel to make a good hot Totti. Get back in bed and sweat it out. Never take fever reducer. Your body does that for a reason.

  17. Incase some of ya'll ain't from the south a ho toddy or tottie depending on the part is bourbon honey a splash of lemon juice and top it off with a little boiling water. The water is optional. I Just put mine in a coffee cup and microwave it

  18. PANIC! EVERYBODY RUN, HIDE AND TAKE THIS UNTESTED JAB! The bastards are so extravagantly funded they'll keep up the lies until someone with real power stamps on their necks.

  19. I was raised up near the Canadain boarder in the USA. Every kid about once a year got a hell of a cold. It never slowed us down. Still out with our buds doing stupid shit. Snot running out yer nose, cough hack gag and hurl a glob a shit out was normal. If asked how ya doing the reply was ah I gotta damn cold.

  20. There MAY be tons of death, because the DNA modifying JAB, tuned people for tuned pathogens. So pre-modified immune systems will mal function and kill vaxxers. Hope I'm wrong.

  21. My doctor is always telling me don't do this, take that or you are going to die. He last told me that I had to stop eating fried potatoes for breakfast because of my triglycerides. I told him, "I am going to die of something; I will enjoy my fried potatoes". Still kicking.

  22. If you owned a medication plant and nobody got sick, you would be broke. It would be in your best interest to keep everyone sick.


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