
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Gallup’s Gun-Ownership Data is Pure Fiction

Gun ownership rates haven’t changed much since the 1960s, Gallup pollsters would have you believe. Gun ownership is actually two points lower today than it was in the 60s, the polling giant claims.

According to Gallup, gun ownership data has been roughly the same for more than 60 years: 44% of Americans admit they have a gun in their home, but only 30% admit the gun is theirs and 14% say the gun isn’t theirs.


  1. If someone from Gallup called and asked about my firearms (or anything else for that matter), I wouldn’t give them a bit of my time, let alone any information. I stand nothing to gain from their surveys.

  2. Is there a statistic for those who had mishaps while boating?

  3. The common criminals masquerading as our representative government can make all the laws they want. We the People will be keeping our guns AND our inalienable rights. I hope his Lear's things up for those thugs before the shootin' starts. Fuck them all.

  4. As far as anyone knows I don't have 36 firearms.

  5. Horse shit, I own 59 more guns today then I did in 1960...

  6. Anyone calling me asking questions of any kind, will get wrong answers at best, but most likely will get a dial tone as a response

  7. I didn't buy any guns while the greatest Arms Salesman was in office. The One no one was waiting for or his Chinese side kick, Joe Bai Den.

  8. I don’t own any guns. I just have ammunition for a hobby. Try to keep at least 500 round pre caliber. Some I have thousands for, but no guns. At least not as far as I would tell gallup

  9. Like 48% of all statistics, their numbers are made up.
    Homer J.

    1. I don't participate in phone surveys no matter what the subject. Anecdotally I'm finding more people who have guns and who have CPL's. I commented to my physical therapist about not being ready for the range (I had my shoulder replaced this summer) she casually mentioned having a CPL and hadnt been to the range in months. Several ladies of my aquaintance have developed an interest in guns. Even some folks of a liberal persuasion are gunning up, a couple expressed fear that MAGA folks are gonna come get them.

  10. I don't buy guns or ammo when there's a Democrat in the White House, because that's when the ATF comes off the chain and starts doing a bunch of skeezy shit.

  11. I always lie to pollsters irrespective of the subject matter. I simply object to profit making enterprises sourcing their raw material by begging and imposing on the public.

  12. When someone calls with an opinion poll, I tell them my opinion is that they should stop bothering me.


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