
Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Justice Will Be Served': Peanut the Squirrel's Owners Seek Revenge

In the final days and weeks of the 2024 presidential election, it often seemed as if a motley crew of characters came together to help Donald Trump solidify his win. One of the most unusual election influencers may have been Peanut, aka P'Nut, an eastern gray squirrel whose mother was hit by a car in 2017. New York resident Mark Longo found him, raised, him and turned him into a little social media star with over half a million Instagram followers. 


  1. I would donate to the legal fund....

    Of course, I'd also buy tickets to see the cops involved and their bosses beaten with sticks,

  2. For argument's sake, let's say Mark Longo (and his lawyers) is successful, to the tune of several million dollars; just who do you think will pay: the hapless taxpayers of NYS. The people who executed (pun intended) this ridiculous farce will probably be promoted.

    1. I can't find fault in anything you said. It's an indictment on The System that the guilty have their damages paid by the innocent. The victims deserve compensation. That it comes from more victims is disgusting.

    2. Well, elections have consequences and they voted for it.

    3. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
      I'd say the state of our current method of electing our representatives is unreliable at best.
      Should be "One valid ID, one vote" no exceptions.
      Anything else should be considered cheating.

    4. You are, of course correct. One day the people of this country will grow tired of being on the hook for the decisions of these cowboy cops and assorted government stooges

  3. Make the rubble bounce. Only way to curb the state.

  4. Whyohwhy would one live in that shithole? Hell, that fugly NY State broad who's in their statehouse wants NY to be annexed by Canada. LET 'EM GO.

    1. you've obviously never lived in a small town in upstate NY (or even in one of the smaller cities upstate)
      because you know not whereof you speak.
      NYS (upstate) is as beautiful as New Hampshire or upper peninsula Michigan or northcentral Arkansas; I know 'cause I've spent time in all four 'n if you asked me to make a decision, I'd have to flip a four-sided coin

    2. Boron; Though I love my state, Michigan, Upstate NY is prettier.

  5. " the nanny state insists you need a license for practically everything these days."

    Correct. However, you do not need a license to order the KILLING of squirrels, so SHUT UP.

  6. If you really want to see justice, look for news reports about that nice lady in Dallas that kept calling the NY fish & game police because she was jealous P'Nut was getting more hits on social media than her photography business was.

  7. And the Karen that complained should be hounded for the rest of her miserable life.

  8. The author of the article says this:

    I had to watch as that dog ate my favorite chicken, Esther, right before my eyes

    Really? What a pussy. If there is a semi-feral, marauding dog on my property going after my hens, that dog gets rule 308. I have had a long talk with the county dog catcher and I know the rules. And I promise you, my hens mean a hell of a lot more to me than your dog. Sorry if I offend anyone, but it is what it is.


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