
Thursday, December 19, 2024

Most Corrupt Series: President Bill Clinton

Both Democrats and Republicans have their stellar entries in Most Corrupt for various reasons, usually with regard to their political activities, often being self-serving. Now we examine the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton who accomplished much as president, but he also brought his own controversies into the White House with him.

VIDEO HERE  (25:48 minutes)


  1. Remembering back to Rush Limbaugh, just hours before Bill Clinton would be giving his State of the Union address. Rush advised taping a homemade "HE'S LYING" caption at the base of your TV screen.

  2. ANY accomplishments(?) are over-shadowed by giving space technology to the CCP.

    1. It wasn't given, it was traded. They got precision guidance technology and we got a killer recipe for General Tao's chicken. Not sure how many millions went to the Clinton Foundation, but that was for future global emergencies like Haiti.

    2. Give him credit for keeping stealth technology out of their hands by bombing their embassy in Belgrade and destroying the F-117 parts.

      He dis the right thing by making them pay fair-and-square into his retirement fund.

  3. Billy was far over-shadowed by both Bushes, that POS from Kenya, and the recent incestuous pedophile. Not that Billy should be on the list. (though one could question whether it was Billy or that hag he married acting in his name)


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