
Monday, December 09, 2024

Transition As Civil Warfare

The boundaries against normal politics have been destroyed by the Biden Administration. The changes they’ve caused are simply unacceptable. The “transition” typically is one of mere transfer of administrative personnel. Starting with Obama, the transition has become one of setting landmines for the incoming administration. Back when George W. Bush was incoming, the Clinton staffers removed the “W” keys from computer keyboards, that was then seen as excessive and petty. Obama, however, increased that exponentially by keeping in place a means of spying on and subverting the Trump campaign and his administration, taking the Russia hoax into the realm of crippling the Trump Administration and the execution of the laws, something that had never been done before, except in minor, annoying ways. It was brazen and lawless.


  1. Stay strapped, or get clapped. From here on in, folks.

  2. As he's said many times: they're not after him; they're after us. He's just in the way.


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