
Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

KISSIMMEE, Fla. – A man accidentally shot and killed himself Saturday in Osceola County while putting a gun into his shorts, deputies said.


  1. I guess a lot of people lock an load and stick a gun in their pants. Man I just can't do that. I carry on the outside and never one in the chamber. I know seconds lost racking a round but I just can't do it. I saw up close and personal what a round can do to a man many times. Maybe that has something to do with it.

    1. If it was a Glock, yeah, putting a loaded one in your shorts is inviting trouble. There are guns that do not have Glock's issues.

      If you're going to carry without one in the chamber, you need to practice drawing and racking the weapon so thst it is muscle memory. Always practice how you carry.

    2. I've carried a G19 since 1990. NEVER holster your gat with your finger on the trigger. It's ALWAYS in a secure full trigger guard covering holster, first leather, later Kydex. I'm 73, it's still always with me and minding it's manners. It's not the dog, it's the owner. Every other pistol out there, with no safety, behaves the same, just fine.
      Murphy and Darwin, are going to Murphy and Darwin. Stay away from them, it's easy.
      History refresher. When the 1911 was first adopted, the cavalry carried it chambered, cocked, off safety, because it was safe to carry that way. Grip safeties are safe AND effective.
      KNOW YOUR MANUAL OF ARMS. Simple as that.
      Maybe my 4th day of mystery flu like symptoms is making me grumpy. I probably need a 1911 Commander. Anybody have a problem child 1911 you need to re-home? Kenny has my email, I'll check back.
      Think I need an adult beverage...

    3. have a few 1911's but not one commander model (?) most are full size and one officer
      model the wife lies a lot. did see a commander in 38 super for sale years ago, but they didn't have any ammo for it (?) otherwise I would have grabbed it. current carry weapon right now is the Springfield SA-35. a browning hi power copy but better !
      I have owned 2 hi powers in the past, one a real browning (lost in the divorce)
      and a WW2 bring back Inges (?) both used to bite amd had a problem with hollow points. the SA-35 feeds everything and not a problem after a good 1000 rounds of ball, cast lead and hollow points thru it.,
      I guess I have to keep a eye now for a commander model, you got me wanting one. dave in pa.

    4. Inglis- made in Canada

  2. Gun in shorts goes off. They're still looking for his dick and balls.

  3. Death by Glock? Or just a Darwin Award?

    1. The article doesn't say, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that it was a glock.

  4. Ghetto rat, age 27, offs himself with felony carry.

    Gun violence archive heaps this in with homicides.

    1. Kind of like a kid breaking a window on a school bus with a BB gun is classified as a 'school shooting'.

      How does that expression about 'statistics' and 'lies' go?


  5. Glock perfection: goes bang every time. as a side note: todays Generation of young men no longer believe in "The Chosen ones" enough to lay down their lives needlessly in the battlefield as "The Ultimate Sacrifice" I used to have dreams of dying in battle, oh the Glory of it. But I was young and brainwashed, they used my fear of death in my formative years to brainwash me with a 2000 years old superstition religion, it was the most evil thing ever done to me.

  6. “It was an isolated incident.” Ya think?

    1. Well, isolated enough that he won't do it again...

  7. The guy has the names of three famous gunshot victims.

  8. "an isolated event and, according to the investigation, accidental in nature"

    Are you saying that he didn't mean to cap his own arse? That's some solid investigative work there, Clouseau.

  9. Holster? I don't need no stinking holst....

  10. His girlfriend just found out that he was not pleased to see her.


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