
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

California secession?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California's first ballot initiative for the November 2028 election has been filed and cleared for signature gathering. It would allow the Golden State to become its own country—separate from the United States. 

If enacted, the measure would ask voters: "Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?"


Yeah, somebody didn't think this through very well. California needs the US a hell of a lot more than the US needs California.
California's main export these past few years are its own citizens while its main import is Federal money in the form of disaster relief due to poor management.


  1. Worlds 5th largest economy, around 30 military bases. I would imagine northern California would split from the southern. 10 years or less Mexico will claim it back. China will have a naval base there soon.

    1. While I'd love to see Kali go it's own way it's not a good idea. China would then have a toehold into our country. It already controls a lot behind the scenes due to our politicians. But then they would have naval and other types of bases.

      For instance in 2012 Obama gave the CCP control of the Long Beach port. And it appears lots of weapons have come through there for both gangs and arms caches which could be used by sleeper cells.

    2. I would think a 'split' of California would not be a North/South split so much as a blue coastal area separating from the rest of the state with the new People's Republic of Kalifornia being surrounded on the north, east, and south by 'New California'.

      Unless that partition were allowed then the secession of the PRK could not go forward.

    3. In the mid '80's I was working for Northrup and the Chinese were trying to get ahold of Long Beach harbor then.

  2. Can those of us in the other 49 vote on this one?

    1. Yes, dummy. The Congress, which represents your state, plus every other state, votes on this.

  3. They think their energy costs are high now, wait until they have to import it from the country they left.

    1. See also: Water.
      Cut 'em loose.

    2. About 30% of their power is imported - so yeah, good luck.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, 55- 65% of Southern California water is from the Colorado River. Also, if the State we to to secede, it would break up into at least 3, if not 5 parts. Went to school in Central Calif. They hated both the Bay Area and LA.

  5. Good riddance with 50+ congress members there would never be another Democrat majority in congress... ever.

  6. If I was to ever cheat in an election, it would be this one. Can I go to CA and vote to secede? They don't check IDs to vote, do they?

  7. Since you cannot seem to manage your own affairs, you’re now a territory again and under new management until you grow up and mature

  8. Let's compromise- San Francisco and Los Angeles can become independent city states like Singapore... and we keep the rest of the state in the U.S.

    1. I have abetter compromise. Pull the voting records. Any democrat/green/whatever party votes get deported to canada. The rest can stay in the new territory/former state.

  9. There's a place out there where you can see a fault line where the highway was cut right through a hill. Last time I was out there I parked the car and went up there and jumped up and down as hard as I could to try to break California off but no luck.

  10. Would only establish a committee to study the feasibility is succession. In other words, new state government jobs that will be political payoffs for the politicians and their ilk.

  11. Nice idea, but the Californians are smart enough to hang onto their federal sugar daddy. In fact their long term goal is to turn the entire country into their ideological image.

    1. As much as I dislike Kalifornia it is always useful to ground your views in reality.

      California is by far the largest contributor of tax $ to the Federal government. At the same time they receive back from the feds a lot less than they send over. The US GDP per capita is about $80K, California's GDP per capita is about $105K (most southern states hover around $40-50K GDP per capita).
      Kalifornia is the 5th economy in the world. Were Kalifornia to secede it would take a few years for China to overtake the remaining 49 United States as the #1 economy.

      Be careful what you wish for. This is a lose-lose for everyone.

    2. 1:28 Kali is #5 only because of the support it gets from other states - power plants and refineries to name two. Kali had them; decided it was "greener" to put those nasty things in other states. I want to see GDP vs actual COL.

  12. Yes! So long as I can high-tail it outta here at the right time!

    It also might keep Greasy Gruesome out of national politics.

  13. Who will pay to maintain the Interstate Freeway system in California?

    1. Once they secede, they'll no longer be interstates. They'll be State highways. Fuck 'em.

    2. The roads and infrastructure is shit. 150 year old plumbing, deterioration of roads, electric grid having constant brown and don't want to be one of the 30 million people when the next disaster hits.

    3. I wouldn't mind them becoming international highways (the ones crossing the borders with remaining states)

  14. I like the idea of turning Cali back into a territory of the US. Cali's agriculture supplies vast amounts of fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts to the rest of the country, and its military bases are essential.

  15. Secede then invade. Everyone goes home happy.

  16. Split the state north to south. Let Eastern California stick with the USA. The USA should occupy the ports and turn off the aqueduct.

    If the measure fails, the number of representatives California has needs to be cut proportional based on the number of votes for secession versus total votes. Furthermore, anyone who voted for it should be tried for treason and forbidden from every holding public office again.

  17. Imagine California seceding…and then a countersecession as everything outside of LA, SF, and SAC rejoins ‘Murica.

  18. Can we, non- Californians, vote yes also?

  19. Yes! PLEASE SECEDE!! And there goes 65 democrat electoral votes! Ensuring republicans in the Whitehouse from here forward! Do it!!! !

  20. * slaps knees and stands up *
    "Welp... been nice knowing you. The door is that way. Bye."

  21. Hmmm, I wonder if this would qualify under the Insurrection Act? I'd happily reup to go fight and invade them. Regardless, while I at times wish this would happen, the fact is we need those ports for the US, so allowing them to secede isn't an option. Splitting the state into smaller areas though, that seems viable and preferable. Not sure if this is better or if we need to make it a US Territory, or perhaps make them a US Territory and then split it up.


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