
Thursday, January 23, 2025

“My Gun, My Choice” ~ ‘Second Amendment Guarantee Act’ Deserves Passage

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the newly-introduced Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) by U.S. Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) “is a timely proposal that deserves passage.”


  1. Great, but we need national reciprocity for concealed carry above anything else. Let’s not get distracted by every shiny, new thing that comes along. Simple is better and sooner is a must!

    1. Actually you need this for national reciprocity for concealed carry to be useful. Without this, you could be arrested in NY for carrying a gun with a mag that holds more than 10 rounds, or arrested in NJ for possession of hollow point ammo.

  2. I would have voted for her, but she's not in my district. Her district manages to avoid having Rochester and Syracuse inside their border. Otherwise there would be another socialist turd in office.

  3. With the exception of Tenney and very few others, “New York’s CONgressional Delegation” is a disgrace to sentient life in NY, let alone the USA. I can’t think of anything they’ve ever accomplished on my behalf.

  4. In my opinion what we need to do is get rid of all the legalese speak in all these bills. They do nothing but put the taxpayers in the position having lawyers writing laws, having lawyers explain them and having lawyers, judges, decisions on our fundamental rights guaranteed by our Bill of Rights .. It's all bullshit politicians pull because unfortunately most are also lawyers..
    The Right to keep and bare arms is pretty fucking clear

  5. How about ensuring the intent of the Second Amendment? SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Period Dot Explanation point...every state every where all the time.


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