
Friday, January 31, 2025

Nobody likes a snitch - not even the cops

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) - A police union says the man who posted a video of police doing doughnuts in the snow was “snitching.”

Houston police officers were caught on video doing doughnuts during a recent snowstorm and are now facing discipline for their actions.


  1. The Watchers don't like being watched. Expect more of this as camera technocracy (tech-nazi) increases. Snowbird neighbor in Florida called Michigan cop, the cameras on his Mi summer home spotted a loose dog. The owner of said dog was notified. Same asshole who repeatedly came onto my property to force a conversation no matter how many times I avoided him. A badge licker, it probably tastes like the Male Member.

  2. Houstonian here. Saw the video and didn't think anything about it. No sense of humor or adventure.

  3. Will be dismissed as merely a training exercise.

  4. Donuts in parking lots are how you learn to drive in snow.

    1. Yup. My parents took us out to practice just that. stomping on the brakes, fishtailing, doughnuts, etc. The security guard at IBM (whose parking lot we were in) was less than amused. OTOH, doing doughnuts in a 12 passenger van is an experience to remember, and it was over an hour of "practice" before he came over to say something.

      There were three of us of driving age at the time, with all our siblings in the back. Family fun! And really quite educational, the skills I started to learn there have saved a lot of grief over the years.

      John G.

  5. Geez, you haven't lived until you do donuts in the snow, or sand roads (old guy here) in the country on the way home from school... how often does Houston get a chance to do donuts in the snow...

  6. I told my kids that driving in the snow was something that had to be relearned every winter. After they got their licenses I would take them out to the big parking lot at the high school on the first snowy day and have them practice.

  7. What is it with cops and donuts? If they aren't scarfing them down, they're pulling them in the snow.


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