
Thursday, January 09, 2025

Report: 400,000 Anchor Babies Born in the U.S. in 2024

A report by an immigration-centric think tank reveals that nearly 400,000 illegal births of so-called “anchor babies” occurred in the United States in the year 2024.

As reported by Breitbart, the data from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the total includes 300,000 anchor babies born to illegal aliens, while another 72,000 were born to foreigners in the country as tourists, on worker visas, or on student visas.


  1. End this crap. Don't grandfather anyone in. Pass the citizenship test or GTFO.

  2. This anchor baby thing worked to the country’s advantage 100 or 200 years ago, but the future negative consequences were never envisioned. This is like starting smoking and it helps calm your nerves, but it's eventually it'll result in terminal cancer.

    1. Do not attribute to stupidity that which works as well as malicious. This is all by design. If it later works out as stupid, then defending against malice was prudence before time. If defence was foregone by assumption of stupidity, then malice won. There will not be a replay.

  3. This pisses me off no end. It is meaningless to be 6th or 7th generation American and have some invader come here just so their kid can get free benefits. Benefits and jobs I can't qualify for. And the right to vote and bring in their relatives from some craphole country. Should never have happened. Lawmakers is just another word for traitor.

  4. And they can all be sent packing...

  5. Wonder if the study calculated the how many of these nipper were legit and how many were bastards?

  6. I'm still for the giant catapult.

  7. This is the one time I think very late time abortions may be in order.


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