
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Shut the fuck up

Eating too much steak and bacon may raise the risk of dementia later in life, a controversial government-funded study suggests.

Harvard researchers looked at 133,000 adults for four decades and evaluated how much processed and unprocessed red meat they ate on an average per day.

They found that eating one serving of processed red meat - roughly two slices of bacon or a single sausage - was linked to a 13 percent increased risk of dementia.


  1. In other news, scientists have found that testing alone causes cancer!

  2. And we should believe anything from Harvard because?

  3. Wonder how many were on statins to reduce the cholesterol that is necessary for your brain to work?

    1. My doctor took my OFF statins because they have found that too low cholesterol numbers lead to dementia in later life.
      I also have to wonder if these studies take into account ALL things that a person does differently. Like where they live, how much caffeine they drink, etc. Studies like this are just too complicated to make any real and definitive sense of results.

    2. I'm not a Dr. just play one with the wife, but I agree MN S and P51.

    3. Then there are the people who handle 'bad cholesterol' perfectly well. Or the ones that can't handle much cholesterol at all.

      It's almost like we're all individuals and not carbon copies of each other.

  4. I forgot about cooking in aluminum pans, and since most in the study were White professionals, aluminum in the deodorants and anti-perspirants and sunblock... and probably in vaccines.

    1. Anti-perspirants not deodorants.

  5. They lost me at "government-funded study".

  6. Bullshit ! I woulda had before my 40th birthday

  7. blah blah blah maybe look where the money came from for the study. Bill gates maybe. next week study finds eating red meat helps dementia patients. brought to you by the beef industry.

  8. government-funded study suggests...... He who pays for pols and surveys get the results they want.. No survey paid for by a government agency will counter the message of that agency..
    So yea, fuck off

  9. [Dr Wang said: ‘Reducing how much red meat a person eats and replacing it with other protein sources and plant-based options could be included in dietary guidelines to promote cognitive health.’]

    And there's the rub. Some dick is trying to get us to eat veggie burgers because cow farts or something.

    Go to hell.

  10. Bullshyte!

    Chutes Magoo

  11. "Processed!" The new "dirty word" everything is "processed". Bacon wouldn't be bacon if someone didn't "process it. Everything you eat is "processed" and just using that word proves nothing. Maybe bacon is bad for you in some way but no one has ever proven that. Almost everything said about food today is pure bias and witchcraft. The vegetarians hate meat. The Vegans hate it more and other stuff too. All of them need to take artificial vitamins (processed) to stay alive because their diets don't provide everything they need. ANd they stay alive only so they can lecture the rest of us about their food biased and "processed". I calmly watch them while eating my BLT made from processed bacon, caged chicken eggs and no crappy lettuce, on white bread toast.

  12. Are these the same 'experts' who claim one alcoholic drink per day (or was it per week) reduces your lifespan by 2-5 hours? That's a meaningless statistic achieved by extreme extrapolation and akin to claiming a global temperature rise of .01degrees.

    Michael in Nelson

  13. B.S., and Harvard B.S. People have been eating red meat for thousands of years. Our country was settled on salt bacon. The reason for the increase in dementia and other late life diseases is because we are the healthiest, long lived people that ever lived. Even the body eventually wears out, why not our minds?

  14. I gave up booze & cigarettes for my health. No way will I give up bacon. No Way!

  15. “They found that eating ONE SERVING of processed red meat - roughly two slices of bacon or a single sausage - was linked to a 13 percent increased risk of dementia.”

    Wow! One Serving! Who knew?
    I guess the Daily Mail fired all their proof readers.


  16. My great-grandmother attained the ripe old age of 103 eating the exact same stuff with the majority of it straight off their farm and was sharp as a tack to the end. STFU is right.
    - WDS

  17. There are excellent videos on utoob that explain why you SHOULD eat red meat, just not the kind full of chicken feed, antibiotics and bill gates anti-fart drug. Dr Berg has videos on getting your body back to its natural state, healthy and lean. I've successfully used his recommendations, except fasting. I hate fasting.

  18. Both that report as well as the government can kiss my ass.

  19. If you give up everything you enjoy eating, drinking, and smoking you may live longer. Or at least it will seem longer.

  20. Everybody dies. At least I'll die with a belly full of good rare cook beef wrapped in bacon and too looney to care.

  21. That article was full of lies but one thing cited that I believe is true is avoiding the heavy use of nitrates as preservatives. Adele Davis warned me of that over 50 years ago along with eating whole foods, avoiding white flour items and consuming animal proteins. Here I am, mid 70s, slim, athletic, working 70+ hours a week in my studio and working out daily.

  22. It makes sense if you think about it. Those that have already given up meat are not at risk of future dementia because you cannot be at risk if you are already batshit crazy.

  23. Bacon and sausages are generally loaded with sodium nitrite. I'd look at those before screeching "red meat! Aaaaagh!"

  24. I'd rather get dementia than what they'll get from the manwurst they like to consume.

  25. Agree with PeteSchutz it's all bs.

  26. Since the government is on a kick to get rid of farm animal bleching and farts, there is only one way this study could go if harvard wanted a grant for another study.

  27. I do have to say that people are living much longer than when I was a kid. I was born in 1960, and the age that I saw in the daily obits were usually at the age of 65-70 or so. Now it is routine to see people into their 80's and older.
    I have to attribute much of that to people not smoking like we did in the 70's and 80's. And some of it is no doubt medical intervention coming earlier for things like high BP and the ability to control type II Diabetes.
    I saw a guy picking up a carton of cigarettes and a 12 pack of beer. The price was over a C note. I quit smoking in 2014, because I knew it was bad for me. I never smoked a cigarette until age 30, while going through a divorce and playing music in a group with 5 other people who all smoked. Within 3 months or so I was smoking as well.
    If I were to get medical news that I had 6 months or less to live the first thing I would do is to purchase a carton of cigarettes, as well as a case of my favorite beer, a nice Amber Ale. I figure my wife wouldn't kill me if she knew that I was dying anyway.

  28. My grandfather ate eggs, bacon, steak, and hamburgers his entire life. Washed it down with beer and wine. Every single day of his life. He lived to be 100 and 1/2 yrs old, and was as sharp as a 50yo manilla the day he died. His oldest daughter (my mother) ate chicken, fish, lots of grains....watched her cholesterol, took meds to lower it.....contracted altzhimers at the age of 64. My dad at 80. I think I'll stick with the bacon, steak, and beer.

  29. By that reckoning I've been dead for the past 20 years.

  30. Eggs are bad for you ... wait, they're good for you ... no, they're bad for you ... hold everything, eggs are good for you ... but coffee is bad for you ... no, coffee is good for you ... red wine is bad for you ... oh, wait, it's good for your heart. Look, guys, no matter how healthy you and and religiously you exercise, you're going to die anyway. So, have a big, steaming cup of shut the fuck up, and let us live our lives in peace.

  31. If this is true then I'm already fucked, so I may as well keep eating bacon.


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