Recognizing that there are some things the right believes that may not be true, though offhand I can’t think of one that has not or will not be proven true with a release of certain documents on J6, Epstein and Diddy, there are so many more elemental things the left believes and should be ashamed of themselves for believing to the magnitude that they do.
The left detached from reality a long time ago. It could be argued when the churches started letting homosexual women be priests, but it was frankly before even that! Today they believe in their heart and soul that Climate Change is absolutely real - look at the number of degree programs in colleges that exist, all based on falsified sensor readings, WTF are those kids going to do?!?!
ReplyDeleteMen can lactate and have babies? Go milk a bull and get back to me!!!!
I could go on ad nauseum. They are deranged, completely detached from objective reality.
Electric companies are public utilities, and required by law to manage costs. WTF are they getting away with frittering our money away on "green energy" when it's been repeatedly proven to raise costs? That's directly against their mandates.
ReplyDeleteJohn G
The lies have been revealed for what they are many times over. Yet, the left is not ashamed because they are incapable of it.
ReplyDeleteClearly a large part of the left is flat out mentally challenged. Then there's a faction that believes and pushes this delusional bullshit because it is exceptionally profitable for them. Finally you have those who are just naturally oppositional, and will take a position 180° opposite a sane, sensible one taken by normal people, just because they are giant cunts who insist on being contrary.
ReplyDeleteBut those are unnecessary distinctions really, as they are all pains in the ass, and I'd like to wave a magic wand and just make them all disappear.
I was elated to read where TL mentioned face diapers and Fakey... I found that paper he wrote with 3 other authors back in the 80's when the plandemic started. But I cannot find it today, only numerous "left" publications stating that Fakey did not say face diapers caused viral pneumonia. You know when the left debunks something and the article in reference disappears; when you know, you know...