
Friday, January 17, 2025

Wait..... WHAT???!!!

The family of an Oregon man who suffered from severe burns after his face caught on fire during surgery is suing the hospital for $900,000.


  1. Two times you are in deadly danger. One is police involvement and the other is anytime your are in the care of a doctor. Key element in your interaction with that doctor set is to realize they are practicing medicine. No matter what they say they are not god.

    1. They're not even as well educated (even by older standards) as you are led to expect.

    2. All they have to do is type your symptoms into a computer and let the machine diagnose and recommend a course of treatment

  2. Medical malpractice claims a few hundred thousand lives per year in the US, and the morbidity figures are about 4 times that. Guns don’t kill people, doctors kill people!

    1. There's a word for it - Iatrogenic: the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence. (Wiki)

    2. Last time I looked it was around 250k per year. But "assault weapons!".

  3. Iso burns off fast, and you can even hold flaming cotton balls soaked in it. I find it hard to believe an iso alcohol fire caused disfiguring burns unless the staff just stood there and watched. Claiming that oxygen in a surgical room is a hazard is plainly ridiculous.

    1. 100% oxygen Is a great way to start a fire.

  4. I’ve worked in level one trauma hospitals in Colorado for almost 30 years. Kenny, I can’t even tell you how much stupid things that I’ve seen.

    Todd near Denver

  5. Every OR has procedures to avoid this. Wait 3 minutes for prep to dry before draping. Keep the O2 into patient's lungs only, no leaks. Avoid cautery when possible. This really is a never event, surprised the hospital didn't settle before lawsuit to avoid the bad publicity.


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