
Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Wednesday's gifs













  1. Everyone has to tough the electric fence just to feel what it's like.
    A robot will replace the guy putting apples on the machine if it hasn't happened already. Robotics was the big thing at CES this year. Would you believe a robot that blows on your coffee to cool it down? Robot lawn mowers for golf courses to do the jobs Americans won't do. Who needs immigration?
    The genius with 6 pairs of pants on is cool because...?

    1. Didn't do it on purpose, but got shocked just the same. Was in the pig pasture giving the pigs scritches (you'd be itchy too if you lived in mud and dirt). I was about 8 feet from the electric fence so I wasn't paying attention. Well, the pig I was touching was touching a pig that was touching a pig that touched the electric fence. The three pigs and I all squealed and spread out just like the kids. Sure gets your attention.

    2. Hey, at least he won't be committing any felonies...and if he does, how far is he going to get.

    3. Get a cousin to pee on an electric fence years ago. Hasn't been right since...

    4. About 30 years ago I was helping a mate remove a hedge . I was using an electric chainsaw and inevitably cut the extension cord. He unplugged it to use a grinder to sharpen his slasher and plugged my cord back in just as I was attaching the live to the plug. 240 volts (not in the US) when you're sitting on damp grass made me squeal. It was funny afterwards but not at the time.

    5. Was hunting with my oldest sister's son, roughly the same age. I dropped and slithered under an electric fence. He tapped it, felt nothing so stepped over. The next jolt came through while his junk was in full contact with the line. I think he got three or four jolts before he got off it.

  2. #3. Saw a UPS jet turn to taxi in from the far runway @ MHT and literally flip an unoccupied single engine plane right over.

  3. #2 Unimog? #4 Dorf, is that you????

    1. Probably a Steyr-Puch Pinzgaur.
      It has a magic "portal" axle which gives great ground clearance and reduces the strain on the main drive shaft.

    2. A couple of years ago, one of my neighbors rebuilt a Pinzgauer. Really cool vehicle.

  4. What happens to the cores in the apples. I don't see them dropping out anywhere.

    1. Looks to be blown out the center circle.

    2. It's an endlessly repeating video. The part where the core gets ejected must have got cut out of the cycle.

    3. When the fuck did people become too fucking lazy to peel and cut their own fucking apples? I'm in PA, and we grow a fair amount of apples. Few years back, in the summer, I'm in the grocery store, and they have dried apple slices, sourced from fucking China, of all places. So I sent an email to customer service and asked them why they had to buy that from China instead of PA, or at least USA. Couple weeks later, whaddya know? No more chinky apples.

  5. #4 no suit cases to check, no carry-on to worry about..... genius. Looking like a moron priceless.

  6. 10 - “There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” ― Will Rogers

  7. #9. Had a bald eagle stalk my little drone. Got 1 fuzzy picture of it circling. Guessing it's nest was nearby. Managed to get drone home safely.

  8. 2) Pinzgauer
    4) Ultra elegant

  9. #6, when your number is up, it's up. His wasn't at that moment...

  10. #2, I’m going to need one of those to relocate my trailer home to it’s new location.

    1. YES but does it sell your information with the world

  11. The runway at Biloxi Air Force Base had traffic lights to stop traffic when a jet ran up their engines. A guy on a motorcycle missed the red light and got blown off the bike. He spent time in the hospital and the bike was totaled. This was back in the mid 80's.

    1. Keesler? I was there TDY to computer programming school in the summer of 1984.

    2. The company my dad worked for used to have the contract to maintain the systems at Keesler between 76 - 88. Fun times...sitting in a van in the parking lot reading a book. The best part of those calls, for him, was that all of the tools were on-site, and he never had to carry old parts back to the office, they were recycled for scrap on-site.. I just remember the old single-family homes that had been converted to smoke shops, massage parlours, gun stores, and liquor stores, and the awful pavement once you got off of I-10 , or more than two blocks off of hwy 90 from the south.

    3. I did radio school at Keesler.

  12. Pinzgauer power baby!!!

  13. #4 looks like one dwarf sitting on another’s shoulders.

  14. #3 I was directly behind an RA5C in NAS Key West. I was over a 1/4 mile away when he hit the after burner. It took me off my feet. Navy '65-'69.

  15. #8 What does that guy put on a resume if he's looking for another job? Apprentice apple corer? Journeyman? Or is it 1st class, 2nd class? Asking for a friend.

  16. #7 Your hearing loss (insert service related disability here) is not service related.

  17. #3 I used to taxi and power run Challengers with 9,000lb thrust engines. The danger zone behind us was 250ft so we had to be very careful. That jetliner's engines probably generate over 40,000lb thrust.
    #7 Carl-Gustaf. A friend in the reserves told me that they were only allowed to fire five rounds per day due to avoid injury from the blast.

  18. #1 reminds me of a game I used to play on intellivision. Snafu!

  19. #9 somebody is in restricted air space!

  20. #4 If I was a lot younger it would be a blast to run by and give him a push and just keep hauling ass
    Backwoods Okie

  21. 10: Reminds me of something we did in physics class in grade 10, with a hand cranked generator. Teacher was a grade A twat but that was a fun day.


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