
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Well, he doesn't seem very nice

GALLATIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — A man out on parole for vehicular assault has landed himself back behind bars after police said he tried to kill his girlfriend with a hammer.

The horrific attack reportedly occurred on Nov. 18, 2024, which is when the Gallatin Police Department (GPD) was called to the scene of a domestic assault involving a man who allegedly attacked his girlfriend with a hammer.


  1. Guess he couldn't find a bell. Maybe the old farts will get that one.

  2. Damn newspapers always hiding important facts from the public, like was it a "claw, ball peen or sledgehammer"?

  3. When will we as a society say 'enough' to this violence and enact some common-sense hammer-control legislation?! How many innocent victims must suffer from these senseless hammer attacks before society does something to make the world a better place, by requiring background checks, licensure, and insurance to purchase an assault hammer?

  4. I wonder what she said


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